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The Impact of Employee Turnover on an Organizations Profitability, in Ready-Made Garments Inducted- a Case Study of Epyllion Group

Autor:   •  February 19, 2019  •  1,834 Words (8 Pages)  •  932 Views

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10.0 RESEARCH PHILOSOPHY-There are four type of research philosophy used by researcher’s pragmatism, positivism, realism or interpretivist. For this proposed research the researcher will approach positivism and follow deductive approach as indicated by the approach, abundant resource is required and expected by the researcher, he will try to minimise risk as far as possible and finish the study with the restrictive time scope allowed by this approach. Initially hypothesis will be deducted based on the theory, relation between two factors will be proposed the use of appropriate methodology hypothesis will be tested intensively based on the finding of the test will decide whether the theory should be accepted or rejected. If the hypothesis is not confirmed by any chance, modification could be proposed.

11.0 DATA COLLECTION-The researcher believes it’s safe to focus on primary data collection and originality will make his work distinct and credible and this will also help avoiding unnecessary extension of literature review upon having. If enough primary data is cannot be collected they then the researcher will focus on secondary data source it is safe to assume that both primary data and secondary data will be used for this research. The researcher will collect both qualitative and quantities data for this research, considering the focus the researcher both the they type of data collection will be necessary. For qualitative data collection the researcher will use questionnaires (close ended and open ended), semi-structured and unstructured interview. quantitative data will be collected using closed ended question using Lickart both qualitative and quantities data will be collected we assume that a mix method approach for data collection will be used. Formal sampling framework will be use to carry out sampling for this research, the researcher will consider both advantages and disadvantages of all the sampling techniques under probability and non-probability sampling techniques and based on the suitability select the sampling method.

12.0 IMPORTANCE OF DATA ANALYSIS-Analysis of the gathered data is important as it will enable the researcher to describe his finding to the audience and summarise the overall will also enable the researcher to compare one variable to the other. For the variable being studied by the researches requires to make sense and understand and identify any relation what so ever, analysis plays an important role. forecast can also be made base on the analysis. The researcher will analyse the data to interpret in a way that will make sense and justify the phenomena under study, data analysis will be done throughout the research process as it calls for continuation. The researcher will compare data that were previously gathered regarding similar research with the ones that he collected primarily. The researcher will manage the data collected for the research in the most organised way possible to reduce jumbling the data.

13.0 QUALITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS-To analyse qualitative data, the research we will use suitable data analysis software, upon coding the gathered data, descriptive analytic and thematic coding will be used apart from the using computer software the researcher will use content and framework case of qualitative data it is not possible for the researcher to study individual variable. For example, if the study calls for analysing human behaviour or complexity regarding a subject

14.0 QUANTATIVE DATA ANALYSIS ANALYSIS-As the research is following a deductive approach the researcher will focus primarily on quantitative data collection and analysis. quantities data will be analysed using regression, correlation, standard deviation etc. Depending on what the data calls for. Quantities data analysis will enable the researcher to study a single variable under observation thoroughly, for example quantity and trend regarding a specific factor being studied.

15.0 RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY-The researcher aims on ensuring highest level of reliability so that other researches can obtain similar finding using the same used. Factors affecting both external and internal validity will be considered to ensure that the research findings are held valid, effort will be given to exclude any sort of bias, the researcher will take assistance from eternal consultant independent of the researcher. Internal consistency and test- retest methods will be applied to enhance reliability. Factors such as location, testing, loss of subject that can affect the validity will be considered.

16.0 LIMITATION-There is various limitation that must be considered, the limitation might arise from the methodology used for the research as well as the researcher. Time frame allowed for the research, access of the required data from the organization being researched and different factors that might lead to bias can be source of limitation for the researcher. Limed sample size for the study, unreliability of the data being collected and the measured used to collect the data necessary for the research and absence of literature due to no prior study on the topic can also limit the research. limitations must be considered while concluding the study.

17.0 ETHICS-The researcher also aims to conduct the research keeping the ethical aspects in mind and ensure that ethics are not curved away the research involves participants of individuals from the organization on which the research is being conducted, the researches do not want to invade the privacy of the participants and aims to take consent of all that are involved in the process, the research will be designed in a way that will portray highest level of transparency. Any internal data acquired on from the organization will be protected and highest level of confidentiality will be kept. The research design will follow the legal framework strictly. Participants of the research will not be discriminated.

18.0 CONCLUSION-The conclusion of the paper will address the key finding of the research, focusing on where the researches stands regarding the issue that initiated the research. Shortcomings and unanswered segments will be addressed. The conclusion will address the practical implication and contribution to the existing literature regarding the topic.


Saunders, M, Thornhill, Lewis (2009) Research Methods for Business Students, 5th ed., Pearson Education.

Easterby-Smith, M. Thorpe, R, Lowe, A (2008) Management Research: An Introduction, (3rd ed.) Sage

Zikmund, W.G., Babin, B.J., Carr, J.C. and Griffin, M. (2013) Business research methods. Available at:


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