Leadership in Organizations
Autor: Jisnu Mahan • July 16, 2018 • Research Paper • 5,924 Words (24 Pages) • 820 Views
Leadership in Organizations
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Jisnu Mahan 16311131
Leadership is about working with people to do new things in the world that is increasingly complex and rapidly changing. We needed a flexible and sustainable organization, and the organization is composed of individuals. Leadership is not always associated with the authority. It is about mobilizing people to tackle the toughest issues and do their best work. Leadership is embedded within each of us, but the key is to unlock our personal passion that will give us the courage to do things that seem difficult, uncertain or even unpopular. All organizations have a management structure that determines the relationship between function and position and divides and delegate roles, responsibilities, and authority to carry out its assigned tasks. There are a variety of different organizations in our social structure that allows our society to function and fulfill their public duties; Governments, companies, universities, companies, armed forces and other similar types that include the public sector and the private sector. There is also known as a hybrid organization is a combination of two of the above like a combination of corporate and government organizations. The purpose of this qualitative study was to look at the leadership of the Organization in several organizations around the world as a case study. At the end of the study, we will be able to observe that the company's leadership in the State is as it should be in any organization for these organizations to thrive, grow, evolve, and judged competitively as the private sector.
Keywords: Leadership, Organization, Communication, Ethics, Motivation, Direction, Fairness
Leadership is the Act of leading people within an organization to achieve a goal. Leaders do this by influencing employee behavior in some way. A leader set a clear vision for your organization, motivate employees, guiding employees through the work process and build morale. Establish a clear vision means of influencing employees to understand and accept the future organization. One young soldier unit may not believe in a particular mission ordered by their Commander. A good leader will affect the soldiers to do their duty by explaining the vision and the importance of their role in the outcome. The soldiers will be more likely to follow.
Motivated employees mean finding out about the needs and desires of the employees, give them what they need and give praise for a job well done. Being away from home feels lonely for a young soldier. A good leader knows this and will communicate with the units to learn more about their needs and desires. Maybe as simple as giving the sweet treats for their efforts.
When the guide employees, it is important to determine their role in the process of work and giving them the necessary tools to conduct and participate in their efforts along the way. Some of the military maneuvers difficult. Often, the order is to perform tasks that involve complex details, such as explaining how to dig a tunnel passing through the enemy lines. A good leader will outline the task, tools excavators, directing provides employment and is available to help the soldiers if they are having problems.
Build passion involves pulling everyone together to work towards a common goal. Let's face it-doing work that makes the stress. Workers are often placed in a suggestion of high stress. This can cause the unit to lose focus or, worse shut down emotionally. A good leader will let workers know how much their work was appreciated. The attitude is as simple as holding impromptu parties to recognize the victory of a small unit can reignite the spirit of workers.
- Definition of Leadership
Dran (2004) has defined Leadership in words – the ability to affect the achievement of the goals against group ‖. He further explained that a leader is a degree earned:
a. Have confidence professionals
b. Motivating
c. Set own goals
d. has a personal commitment and enthusiasm
e. Receiving touchdowns
f. Give a boost
g. Measure and control
h. Maintain momentum
White (2005) explains that the definition of leadership we instinctively are summed up with one word that is common to all languages. The word was BOSS! According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, means "the Boss to dominate against everyone else. She further explained that the leaders are the ones who organize or lead others. He argues that the concept of the Boss or leader can be converted into COGAL, as this is the main function of a leader who stands for the Creators of Growth and Learning ‖ in it and on those responsible. The majority of managers and organizations crumbled because of their underdeveloped concept in understanding the growth and the learning environment.
Hughes, Ginnett, Curphy and (1999), recommended leadership properly in the words of Napoleon since – nothing to download; It is humans that everything. Instead of the Roman army that conquered Gaul, but Caesar; Not the forces of Carthage that makes Rome tremble at its gates, but Hannibal; not the army of Macedonia reached the Indus, but Alexander. Here is clearly that the strength of the army is none other than the ability of the Commander. So leadership is very important in every moment, action, and adventure.
Business and Blanchard (1988) noted when defining leadership in the words of George r. Terry-leadership is the activities that influence people to strive voluntarily for the purpose of the group. So here means use the full potential of mobilizing men to achieve a common goal.
Tannenbaum, Weschler, and Mussarik (1961) through the conceptualization of leadership ' in the mode that is very beautiful and articulated says that ' the personal Influence which is done in the situation and directed, through the communication process, towards the achievement of the Special purpose or goal can be referred to as leadership.
According to the House (1976), leadership is the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute to the effectiveness and success of the Organization in which they become members. No matter how one defines leadership, usually involving elements of the vision. A vision gives the right direction to the process of influence. A leader (or leaders) may have one or more vision of the future to help them to take a group towards this goal successfully.
Beach (1985) outlines effective leadership that makes other people (followers) of the Act. He may push them to action by various devices such as Prudence, influence, power, the threat of power and appeal. Here is a flexible instrument of leadership which can take advantage of the instruments of the wisdom available.