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The Correlation Between Leadership and Coaching

Autor:   •  August 25, 2017  •  2,018 Words (9 Pages)  •  847 Views

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In transformational coaching, you learn to look at success factors differently and more broadly. Rather than focusing only on the bottom-line results, a transformational coach appreciates and develops the people and the processes by which they achieve those results (Heart of Coaching, 2002).

Transformational coaching has many characteristics that make it effective. First, it is data based. It is important that any coaching process be based on objective facts. It is also performance focused. As a coach we must focus on behaviors and analyze the effect they have on individual and organizational performance. It is also relationship focused establishing rapport, trust, and permission are the essential building blocks of an effective coaching relationship (Heart of Coaching, 2002).

Another characteristic is that it is cerebral. It requires people to slow down, listen more deeply, learn and become less reactive. Coaching also requires dialogue assuming nothing, sharing feedback, asking questions and exploring options are essential. It requires more heart as well. Being able to value openness, compassion, vulnerability and humility on the part of the coach. This improves the quality of the human connection and the coaches’ ability to work effectively with people (Heart of Coaching, 2002).

Along with transformational coaching there are four behavior styles of coaching that are very important. First is the collaborating style. Individuals who utilize this style are sensitive and aware of people feelings, flexible in finding solutions to problems, good team members and patient. On the other hand collaborators may find it difficult to confront others, they tend to be overly compliant and can be overly emotional and they find it difficult to say no to people. The collaborating coach is usually very trustworthy and in touch with the coachees feelings and needs but may have a difficult time confronting tough issues in performance or the relationship (Heart of Coaching, 2002).

The second style is the creating style. People who display the creating style tend to be highly energetic and enthusiastic about work, able to generate lots of ideas and options and highly spontaneous. They are dynamic in speech and like to be dramatic. Such people also tend to neglect details, are relatively unfocused on follow through and are not good at planning ahead. Creating-style coaches need to learn to be more thorough in their coaching and to make sure that they are adequately prepared for the coachees need for specifics (Heart of Coaching, 2002).

The third is the conducting style. Conductors are able to take charge and initiate projects, are highly disciplined, and focused on results and good at organizing people and tasks. Conductors may be insensitive to other people feelings and needs, they tend toward autocratic decision making, may be impatient and tend not to listen well. Conductors are really good at organizing things but are often insensitive to the fact that people desire leadership, not moment-to-moment management. Conductor coaches need to balance coaching on the objective, results side with proper attention to the people side (Heart of Coaching).

Last is the clarifying style. Clarifiers can be tedious and boring in their interactions with others. Clarifiers are very systematic and deliberate in their thinking and planning, they are able to maintain an objective perspective based on facts and they are very thorough, complete and accurate in their work. Clarifying coaches should move along at a fast enough beat to keep their coachees interest. (Heart of Coaching, 2002).


As you can see almost every area of functional leadership that I described, functional/great coaching correlates. In the end whether you are described as a leader or a coach it is and always will be vital to understand that it takes two to make the relationship work. The coaching and leadership process is ongoing; it continues from day to day. A leader/coach must realize that everyone is different and may not have the same needs and wants so you have to tailor your coaching process to each individual.

You have learned a lot of ways to become a great leader and a great coach but what is in it for you? Despite the benefits to your organization, you are unlikely to sustain the discipline of coaching if you do not see what is in it for you. Beyond the personal satisfaction and pride you might feel from helping others grow, consider how you will benefit from coaching others (Leader as Coach, 2008).

Well coached and lead people will produce better results. Well-coached people are focused, adaptable, and resilient so they are more likely to be ready for change. Great leaders/coaches become a magnet for talent. Topnotch talent flocks toward growth opportunities. Coaches will lure the best and brightest people if they cultivate a reputation for a leader who helps people learn and grow. They will sustain a network of support. Successful coaches will create career opportunities that lead people to new challenges. As people move on, the organization will be filled with people who appreciate your support. (Leader as Coach, 2008)

There are many essential aspects of being a great leader and coach. One thing to remember is that leading and coaching can be learned and it takes time. It is something that can be developed. Practice makes perfect! So now you have learned the importance of being a leader and coach to your employees as well as the different styles and methods of coaching. You have also learned how being a great coach will benefit you so let the coaching begin!

Works Cited

Coaching: Applying the Coaching Process.‚ Online Course Notes. Learning Management System. U.S. Cellular. 13 Dec. 2007.

Concepts of Leadership.The Art and Science of Leadership. 30 Feb. 2008.

Crane, Thomas G. The Heart of Coaching. San Diego, CA: FTA Press, 2002.

Holdaway, Kathy.What Makes a Great Leader.Gwinnett Network. 30 Feb. 2008.

Kouzes, James M. and Barry Z Posner. The Leadership Challenge. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2002.

Peterson, David B., Ph.D. and Mary Dee Hicks, Ph.D. Leader As Coach. Minneapolis, MN: Personnel Decisions International, 1996.


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