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Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods

Autor:   •  April 30, 2018  •  1,875 Words (8 Pages)  •  904 Views

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The hypothetical design approach of quantitative methods can serve different purposes or different type of situations using dependent and independent variables. In the study I choose the dependent variable applies to the number of students that are affected by depression from social or academic instability in 2011 as compared to 2012. On the other hand, the independent variable is the causative agents; academic and emotional, governing on the lives of freshmen that enter the campus. Petty points out that high expectations, add to the causative agents of academic and emotional difficulty in disillusioning of the students. Students can get a bearing on what college life entails depending on what form of consultancy was used, whether it is media, or from college students themselves. A large percentage of students who are making the change from high school to university education, experience intense emotions such as excitement, enthusiasm and even anxiety especially for those who have to perform considerably in the honors programs. There are changes that occur to the schedule of the student such as geographic orientation and rigorous academic course load. In this study the hypothesis indicated that there was an increasing rate of students getting stressed after enrolling into university than previous years. There are many challenges for the new student to overcome. Similarly, the process of navigating identity development can lead to a few bumps such as withdrawal, loneliness, and a loss of self-esteem, by being overwhelmed by circumstances.

The hypothesis that students are affected by depression from social or academic instability. The study pointed out that high expectations, add to the causative agents of academic and emotional difficulty in disillusioning of the students. Students can get a bearing on what college life entails depending on what form of consultancy was used, whether it is media, or from college students themselves.

This study was restricted in the total number of years that was used. The first study only used a single year for students affected by depression from social or academic instability in 2011 as compared to 2012. I thought the author did good job in explaining changes that occur students with geographical changes and rigorous academic course load.

The hypothetical design for qualitative serves as a platform for developing a conflict resolution framework for educational studies. Using this hypothetical design, it is possible to examine the various factors that influencing the implementation framework. The theoretical framework for various conflict resolution mechanisms which might be effective should also be investigated. Although not necessary for every case during the implementation, some of the conflict resolution strategies could be associated with high costs and it might be difficult to implement them. This study of the “qualitative approach will also serve as a platform for addressing the various issues which have been omitted in the quantitative design” (Ragin, 1994).


Finally, comparing quantitative and qualitative research methods is used when analyzing information contained in words or images. As stated, quantitative research aims at gathering, analyzing, and measuring data from a large sample. Qualitative research methods is to understand the current situation from the participants’ perspective. The use of this methods provides researchers with exact understand of the results they could be expecting. Data that is garnered through these methods will lead to increase in time consumption during research. As stated earlier quantitative research method involves general analysis of numeral information. This makes quantitative methods the most appropriate for secondary research. Researchers using this method embark on constructing statistical models explaining trends that get observed in the findings. It is in these models that individuals read to understand research findings.


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