Men and Masculinities in History
Autor: Rachel • April 28, 2018 • 1,943 Words (8 Pages) • 834 Views
The ‘romance of female advancement’ is here made dependent on a complementary romance of male domestic responsibility. Such romances serve to mask the true nature of the crisis of social reproduction engendered by neo-liberalism’s embrace of women’s waged productive labor and concurrent attack on welfarist social spending. This is not to argue that there are no irresponsible men. Nor is it to say that men do not need to share the responsibility of domestic labor more equally with women; in so many societies, they clearly do. But the effect of locating the household as the site for the response to the crisis of social reproduction has been to ‘render individual poor men culpable for a range of development outcomes better explained – and resolved – at the super household level’ (Bedford, 2007: 303).
History of Masculinity
Masculinity defined as characterized by or possessing qualities traditionally attributed to men. It has varied by culture, society, religion. Moreover, it was positioned in time in two senses. Firstly, changes around the person and for him as he ages. In historical approach, manhood shows is that the nature of masculinity and what is beneath in it. Moreover, the nature is really socio-historical and cultural constructions. In other words, I can say about the industrial revolution. Men went to factories and women were remained in home. Therefore, men economy grew more than women did. In additional, men tried to prove their masculinity by incoming higher. In both United Kingdom and America in the later 19th century, there was a effort to create manhood through sports and outdoor activities. In addition, women were doing household works. Moreover, in both countries, white men tried to put down blacks because of different skins.
Masculinity changed over time: Theory of MR. Connell (1995):
The history of masculinity cannot be presented as linear: rather, ‘dominant, subordinated and marginalised masculinities are in constant interaction, changing the conditions for each others’ existence and transforming themselves as they do’ (Connell 1995: 198).
He showed 3 key events:
• The emergence of a domestic society for female and a public sphere for men
• The outlawing of homosexuality in medical terms and its criminalization in legal ones, accompanied by the equating of heterosexuality with acceptable (and respectable) manliness
• The expansion of industry in the nineteenth century and the development of a definition of masculinity based on manual labor, wage-earning capacity and ‘breadwinning’ capability
Masculinity and ancient literatures:
Most of the ancient literatures like Bhagvad Gita, Ramayan or Greek Mythology most of the gods and main character are males. In additional, the male character choose the life style and his wife had to follow it. In other words, I can say the writer tried to prove man is superior to his wife. In Ramayan, wherever Sita is mentioned a Rama’s character is being judged & along with it what Rama stands for.
Furthermore, I can say about the great Iliad and the Odyssey. Both of them show the power, strength and various qualities about its heroes. Homer represented them as an ideal man. The male character showed his supremacies, richness. Nevertheless, what about other side of the story? The most of the females showed as negative character. It happened because Homer wanted to prove the supremacy of male character but also the other man would not take risks.
Masculinity in Modern World and its aggressiveness:
In modern history, the false masculinity has impact on international economy and environment. To prove a country’s manhood we can say about US foreign policy that has become foundation of militarism. In other words, I can refer Charlotte Hooper discussion about Vietnam War.
“It was believed that the Vietcong, often categorized "as a bunch of women and children", had humiliated and emasculated America. In order to regain its masculinity USA develop a hyper-masculinized foreign policy.”
Hooper also discusses that “since the international sphere is largely composed of men, it may greatly shape both "the production and maintenance of masculinities. War, then, exists in a unique feedback loop whereby it is not only perpetuated by hegemonic masculinity, but also legitimates masculinity.”
Furthermore, I can give an example about World War II. Firstly, the World War II started because aggressiveness of a man named Hitler and his Nazi party and its aggressive foreign policy. One country tried to dominate another with aggressiveness and tried to prove their manhood.
Masculinity in women
Masculinity defined as characterized by or possessing qualities traditionally attributed to men. This term was created to express a man’s aggressiveness, boldness, independence and strengths. Moreover, this is mostly influenced by society and culture. Most of the time, historians try to ignore about the discussion about masculine behaviors in woman. They are also known as boyish girl, Hoyden, Meg, tomboy, butch. In other words, I can say they are consider as an inferior of men and giving them such a name which is somehow related to men. In additional, I can say Boyish girl or Tomboy. Moreover, this kind of woman has to face a great dishonor and molestation most of the time. Furthermore, they have to face a great criticized for challenging the tradition. Nevertheless, Warrior like Rani Lakhsmi Bai, Melchora Aquino, Tarmona Bibi proved their ability. However, they never get their proper respect when they were alive.
Women history was not published because of domination of men. Gender history had highlighted the remaining gaps in our understandings of women.
In my opinion, men influence to create a separate history. They always tried to prove their theory.