Managment Timeline
Autor: Adnan • December 10, 2017 • 2,114 Words (9 Pages) • 611 Views
constant supervision
-1963- John Adams- Equity Theory- Subtle variable factors affect employee’s perception and assessment of the relationship with their work and employer. Employees can become demotivated if they feel their inputs are greater than their outputs. Disparity between inputs and outputs cause conflicts. Satisfied when rewards are the same are their peers for the same work.
-1964- Victor Vroom- Expectancy Theory- Motivation strength=product of perceived value from doing a behavior and perceived possibility that result will materialize. 3 relationships: Effort-Performance, Performance-Reward, Rewards-Personal Goals
-1964- Fredrick Fielder- Fielders Contingency Model- determines leadership style evaluates situation. Leader-member relation are either good/poor, Task Structure degree is High/low, Position Power is weak/ strong. Least preferred coworker questionnaire. Either change leader to fit situation or change situation to fit leader
-1965- Bruce Tuckman- Forming (objectives set, relationships established) Storming (decision making, power struggles, compromising) Norming (agreement on goals and responsibilities, commitment, working) Performing (vision shred, autonomy, support, quick resolution of conflicts) Adjourning (successful break up of group, goal achieved, purpose surpasses teams life span) team development model
-1967- Rensis Likert- The Human Organization and its Management Value. Four styles of management pertaining to decision making and employee involvement in decision making: Exploitive Authoritative, Benevolent Authoritative, Consultative and Participative.
-1968- Edwin Locke- Goal theory- motivation and production high if goals are challenging but acceptable, feedback is given on performance. Setting Specific goals lead to higher levels of performance. Goals that are hard to achieve linearly and positively connected to performance.
-1969- Clayton Alderfer- ERG Theory of Motivation. Existence needs= Physical well being, Relatedness Needs= interpersonal relations, Growth needs- needs for personal growth
-1969- Pail Hershey and Ken Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory- The Situational Leader, One-Minute Manager 4 Leadership styles: Telling(directive, tell how and when to do things, centralized decision making, for worker with low maturity and low ability levels), Selling(leaders convince their workers to get on board, high communication with workers, for workers with medium maturity level but low ability), Participating(works directly with team, collective decision making, for workers with medium maturity level but not enough confidence), Delegating(place responsibility on group, group has high level of maturity) Leaders should assess the group first and then apply appropriate leadership style to ensure group’s work effectiveness.
Transactional Theories
-1970- Robert House- Path-Goal Model. Leaders job to help followers reach goals and provide direction. Support making sure goals are compatible with overall objective of group. 4 types of behavior: Directive Behavior, Supportive Behavior, Participative Behavior, Achievement Behavior. Environmental contingency factors: Task and Structure, formal authority system, group work. Environmental Factors determine type of leader behavior. Personal Characteristics of subordinates influence leader behavior and how follower interprets environment.
-1975- Dansereau, Graen, and Haga, 1975; Graen & Cashman, 1975; and Graen, 1976 LMX leader member exchange- Leaders to not treat member equally, It depends on personal compatibility, in-group vs out-group followers
-1976- J. Richard Hackman and Greg Oldman- Job Characteristics Model = Skill variety, Task Identity, Task Significance, Autonomy, Feedback
-1976- Charles Handy- Understanding Organizations, Motivation calculus expands on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to include external and internal factors that affect our motivation such as out own perceptions and our responses to these situations: Needs (physiological, social, emotional) Results (do they meet our expectations, do we strive for these results again) Effectiveness (do the results meet our needs) Gods of Management: Zeus: power, Apollo: order and reason Athena: wisdom, meritocracy Dionysus: individualism, existentialism
-1977- Charismatic-Visionary Leadership- Have vision, Take risks, Sensitive to environment constraints and followers needs, Unconventional creative behavior
-1981- William Ouchi- Theory Z- How American Management can meet the Japanese challenge Workers want good relationships with managers and co-workers, need support, skill training and instruction, job security, good facilities, they value their family life culture and traditions external to the work place, they have good self discipline and moral obligations, they are capable of making good decisions by working together
-1980- Chaos Theory- Assumes organizations are not perfect systems that can be controlled all the time. ‘Butterfly Effect’ Small changes in a system could result in exponentially bigger changes in another part of that system later on. This means that not all changes are because of external factors.Too much structure and business models could be harmful to the organization. INdividuals should be allowed to evolve, innovate and openly communicate while sticking to the central values and vision of the organization and its leaders. Enables companies to act fast in the face of sudden change, market fluctuation, and changes in customer preferences.
-1985- Edgar Schein- Organizational Culture and Leadership focused on the organization culture on three levels: 1. Artifacts and behaviors: external and identifiable elements such as dress-code, architecture... 2. Espoused Values: Set of behaviors, rules, philosophy, organizations identity, professionalism... 3. Assumptions: Subconscious beliefs, embedded values that make organization what it is. Also observed Groups dynamics within an organization. Schein also studied group dynamics and identifies different types of ‘cliques’ made up of same ranking peers working close by, mixed ranking cliques within a same department, and mixed cliques in different departments throughout the organization.
1985- Bernard Bass Leadership and Performance beyond Expectation leaders affect their followers who must trust, admire and respect their leaders. Leaders transform followers by increasing awareness of task importance and