Women’s Movement in Equality and Suffrage from North to South
Autor: Sara17 • January 15, 2018 • 1,816 Words (8 Pages) • 680 Views
To further women equality in the United States the right to have choose or the right or to choose not to have children (Bone, 2010). We now have the right to vote women activists are moving a step forward with the fight to have control over they own bodies. Moreover, be in control of how many children they choose to have or if they choose to have no children the government and society has no business in someone’s private life when it comes to having a life. The Federal Comstock Act needs to be abolished along with slavery (Bone, 2010). With the government holding the right of women not being able to make the choice of how many children they wish to have with being desperate women have gone to unconventional ways and taking matters into their hands.
After having many children your body is weak, and the mother could die in childbirth and then there’s a child with no mother. There are also other mothers who have taken their children to the neighbors and then kill themselves (Bone, 2010). Moreover, women having children and sending them to institutions, however, there is one woman who brought the word birth control from behind the curtains open to the public and was not scared her name is Margaret Sanger (Zahniser, 2015).
In 1916, Singer opened the first birth control clinic, in Brownsville, Brooklyn she is also arrested however she spends thirty days in jail. Margaret was in violation of the Comstock laws even though Margaret knows the consequences in 1917 Margaret publishes a birth control review to describe the ideal of voluntary motherhood. Though in 1921 Margaret legally establishes the American Birth Control League, which eventually becomes what we know as planned parenthood (Elizabeth Siegel Watkins, 2011)
what want more to work and participated in massive numbers they work in industries which women were usually excluded from because of their gender. The women were offered traditional women’s work for less pay are they could take the man’s job which paid more than most women prefer the men’s work because it paid more. And then there were some women who served in the military as nurses and pilots and in other non-combat military positions (Barnes, L. & Bowles, M., 2014). African-American women were among those invested in the WACS, there were more than 6,200 African-Americans. Although they lived in segregated housing but served many of the same roles as white women and the 1943 white women and African-American women trained together but there’s houses were segregated. (Barnes, L. & Bowles, M., 2014).
There has been very many important social progress for all women of all colors and all ethnic groups. With going back to the colonial days too where women did not even own themselves if they ran from the husband’s they could be arrested for stealing because they did not own the clothes on their back (McDevitt, 2010). In the long protest and courageous women throughout the United, States women have the right to vote there are other governmental policies supporting women in 1960s and the 70s including the civil rights act of 1964. That banned sex discrimination and in 1973 the Supreme Court’s in Roe versus Wade that gave women control over their reproductive health. Women are allowed to set out and be seen and heard not just from their husbands for all that matters they no longer need a husband, and when women marry now, I presume it would be for love and not economic reasons (Congress, 1912).
There are other significant changes that bring us to the 21st century because women overall have a higher statistics of graduating from college they are getting married later in life at an average age of (25 years old in 2000 and versus 20 in 1956) (Barnes, L. & Bowles, M., 2014). Men are taking over that role of mommy and staying home with the children, and the female is the one going to work because she is making more money in 2015.
Women of the 21st century now have equal rights to voting and can stand next to their male counterpart in the presidential election. In 2008, Hillary Clinton ran against Barack Obama for the presidential seat in the White House although she did not make that term. However in 2015 Hillary Clinton is on her way again to running for president in 2016, election.
Barnes, L. & Bowles, M. (2014). The American story: Perspectives and Encounters from 1877. San Diego, Ca: Bridepoint Education, Inc. Retrieved from This text is a Constellation tm digital course materials (CDM) title.
Bone, J. E. (2010). When Publics collides: Margaret Sanger's argument for birth control and the Rhetorical breakdown of barriers. Routledge Taylor & Francis group, 33, 16-33. doi:10.1080/07491401003669789
Congress, t. l. (1912). Historical Overview of National Woman's Party. Retrieved from Library Congress: http://www.loc.gov/
Elizabeth Siegel Watkins, P. (2011, August). How the pill became a lifestyle drop. Public health then and now, 102(8), 1462-1472.
Gallman, M. J. (2015, September). The Myth of Seneca Falls: Memory and the Women's Suffrage Movement, 1848-1898. The Journal f the Civil War Era, 5(3), 468-470. doi:10.135/cwe.2015.0058
McDevitt, C. (2010). Omen, real estate, and welfare in A Southern US County, 1780-1860. Feminist Economics, 16, 47-71. doi:10.1080/13545700903488161
Tribune, P. (1910, January). Alice Paul Talks Hunger. Scrapbook,,eight page133. (A. Paul, Interviewer) Retrieved from http://hdl.loc.gov/loc./rbc/rbcmli.scrp6014202
Zahniser, J. (2015). how long must we wait? Alice Paul wanted action on votes for women, so she took her demands straight to the top. American history(5), 52.