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The Importance of Women in Development

Autor:   •  July 15, 2017  •  Creative Writing  •  1,173 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,272 Views

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The role of women in development


The importance of women in development

Women normally have a very small role concerning the economy of a country. In general, the men are the ones that provide the income in the household and not the women. It is very rare for a woman to be the “breadwinner” in a family and not the male. This is seen mostly in developing countries, but it is also seen in the developed ones.

Many people argue that in order to improve the economy and development of a country, we need to empower women and integrate them.

Why women are important in the development process

Women consistently trail men in formal labour force, access to credit, entrepreneurship rates, income levels and inheritance and ownership rights. By giving women these restrictions limit development, slows down poverty reduction and economic growth. Women pass on their information to their children, which leads the future generations be better informed about healthcare, hygiene and diet. This also leads to longer life expectancy and improved health in general. Also by empowering women through greater education and improved social standing, leads to an improvement in the quality of life for women. It also helps control the population growth as by the empowerment of women it leads to a slower rate of population growth.

Many studies suggest that putting earnings in women hands is the intelligent thing to do as it speeds up the development and the process of reducing poverty. This happens as women reinvest a much higher proportion in their families and communities than men, spreading wealth beyond themselves. This may be one of the reasons why countries with higher gender equality tend to have lower poverty rates. Higher investment in women also leads to business growth or education of children to improve their skills and future employment chances.

Studies made in Brazil and Kenya, shows that when income is in the hands of the mother, the survival probability of a child increases by 20% in Brazil and in Kenya, a child will be about 17% taller, because mothers will invest more of their income in health and nutrition. In the sub-Saharan Africa, agricultural productivity could be raised by 20% by hiring a bigger amount of women.

Women in ELDCs and how their situation is improving

In the last 10 years, the lives of women around the world have been improving on average. There is a greater awareness that gender equality is important for economic development and poverty reduction, with a greater commitment to promote gender equality almost everywhere. There has been a significant improvement in women’s and in gender equality in almost all the countries, both developed and developing countries.

Female education levels have improved considerably in most countries. In a study conducted by the World Bank in 2001 it showed that in South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, girls primary enrolment rate have doubled in the second half of the 20th century, riding faster than boys enrolment rates and reducing gender gaps in schooling. Also in East Asia and the Pacific countries have reached (the gross enrolment rates) or passed the 100%. In 2000, the global gap in the numbers of girls compared to boys enrolled in primary education was 5% points, compared to 16% points. The gender gap in primary completion rates was 13% points, compared to 18% in 1990. In Gambia girls gross enrolment rate more than doubled between


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