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The Tourist Development in Puerto Plata

Autor:   •  April 11, 2017  •  Research Paper  •  250 Words (1 Pages)  •  999 Views

Puerto Plata has allways been a central location for tourism ithe dominican republic. But from 2007 the torism industry in puerto plata started to fall because of the development off proyects in the east

Since then, then the city authorities have ben making endeavours to ´´relaunch ´´ the city to her past tourist glory

Some efforts of plan has been re reconstruction of the central part of the city, and her streets using using stoneblocks instead of tar. The reconstruction of victorian style houses and de modification of some houses to make them look ´´victorian style´´ in the center ocf the city has been one plan.

Another thing that they have made that called the attention is the construction of the new harbor ´´ambercove´´ of carnivel cruises. Those ships, make an stop here, and they bring all those tourist to clubs and beaches all over the place

Another important thing has been the improvement of the cablecar facilities (teleférico) and the mountain park on Isabel the torres mountain.

Another inportant thing is giving our town publicity in other location. Goverment and local aotorithies of the ministry of tourism have been issuing and passing tv commmercials of puerto plata in foreing countries to call the attention of potential tourist to make them come here.

The mayor of the city also have been planing actitivities in the central park of the city like bazars and cultural fairs to artisans and gift shop owners to make sales and for the tourist customer to buy suvenirs.


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