Kwazulu-Natal Population in South Africa
Autor: • July 28, 2017 • Article Review • 368 Words (2 Pages) • 836 Views
The article tell us about a study made to the KwaZulu-Natal population in South Africa about tuberculosis, because the drug-resistance of this patology threatens recent gains in the treatment of tuberculosis and human inmunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection worldwide.
The principal methods performed in this study were interviews and medical-records reviews, which were the fundamental basis for obtaining chronological information of each person involved with the disease and HIV infection, the results that threw this investigation were that around 77% of the participants had HIV infection and of 280 people the 69% who had the disease were never treated. Efficacy rates in treatment are less than 40% and death rates are 50% to 80%.
It is worth to mention that this population has one of the most higher rates in tuberculosis due to its lack of medical assitance, because of that, patients with HIV were offered to HIV tests and were referred to recieve a properly medical attention if the tests were positive.
One of the methods for the research was the use of descriptive statistics where demographic characteristics and clinics t-tests were analyzed, chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test.
It is important to say that almost all participants have a tuberculosis resistance. The high grade of tuberculosis resistance can be only deployed after multiple episodes of unproductive drugs, including the use of second-line drugs for multidrugs-resistant tuberculosis. However, tuberculosis can be caused by a direct infection of a resistant strain.
Sputum cultivation of resistant alcohol bacillus was positive for 270 participants of the exam. It is important to say that the 6% of people involved in this study received a treatment before suffer the disease and thanks to the adequate management and that each person conclude the dose, they were cured. In the analysis of this results were found some aspects to take in account, like the social network analysis because most of the surveyed people were found of epidemiologic links or hospital databases.
Finally despite of the potential dangers of the medical-records review, the genotype conlusions and the continuation of the whole genome provides confidential information and supports the study findings.
The drug-resistant tuberculosis epidemic is increasingly recognized as a threat to global health, due to the limited treatment options and high mortality.