The Life Beyond a Farmer’s Wife
Autor: Tim • June 23, 2018 • 1,180 Words (5 Pages) • 671 Views
I indicated in my letter is that Mrs. hale is courageous. Mrs. Hale is courageous because in the early 1900s women are supposed to accept and respect everything that men say, but Mrs. Hale is opinionated, and she is not afraid to speak up against men authority. “Those towels get dirty awful quick. Men’s hands aren’t as clean as they might be” (Glaspell 561) Mrs. hale always defends herself; she also finds a way to blame men; that men are not always are not as pure as the society thinks they are. To become a fisher woman; one must be brave, because fisherwoman “remove catches from fishing equipment and measure them to ensure compliance with legal size” (Fishers and Related Fishing Workers 1). This is risky because as a fisherwoman do not know what kind of fish the bait would catch, and having to measure the fish to figure out the legal size is risky.
The final qualities that I stated in the application letter is that Mrs. Hale is organized. Mrs. Hale does not like to live in a messy environment; when she went to investigate her neighbor’s house she made sure the place was in order. “She arranges the pans under sink which the lawyer had shoved out of place” (Glaspell 561). Mrs. Hale wants to live in a clean surrounding. A successful fisherman needs to be organized because fisherwoman needs to be able to “sort, pack and store catch in hold with ice and other freezing methods” (what fishing and Hunting workers do 1). If a fisher woman is not organized all their tools would be everywhere, and all the fish they catch should be in different container instead of one container, because they are different kind of fishes and they need to be sorted. The containers should also be labeled so each fisherwoman known which kind fish goes to which container.
In my letter, I mentioned that that I would bring my knowledge of farming into the fishing business. I revealed I would bring my knowledge with me because fishing is slightly different from farming. “Farmers ensure that farm machinery is maintain and repaired, adapt their duties to the seasons, weather conditions…” (What Farmers, Ranchers and Other Agricultural Manger Do 1). Bringing these qualities would help my co-workers to work efficiently, and learn a little bit about farming.
When Professor Mark was explaining the assignment paper; I felt overwhelmed, because I thought the assignment would be difficult. After doing my research about my occupation; I found the assignment to be more accessible. The most difficult part about the assignment was finding sources that relates to my occupation, but as soon as I found information about the occupation; the assignment was easy to write.