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Eng105 - Stephen Spender

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Week 4. Rdg. & discussion: “Spender on Spender: No absence of malice” by Richard Eder. Textbook reading: “Paragraphs”, p. 35-51 (Chap 1). And “Reading and Writing about Literature,” p. 340-351, (Chap 8).

Week 5. First paper due. Preliminary organization for tutorial presentation. Text: Critical Thinking and Reading, re. writing and developing arguments,” p 76-98, (Chap. 10).

Week 5-6: Editing review session of Common errors in first papers. Quiz: Text Chapter One.

Week 6. Mon. Oct. 12 – Thanksgiving: No Class.

Rdg. & discussion: “Choosing Burden” by Phil Choi (cpk). Text reading: Text “Clarity and Style”, (Chap 3).

Week 7. Declare research topic (of your final paper and tutorial presentation). Discussion, Outline technique for research paper. Read Ch. 4 – Sentence Parts. 2nd paper assigned.

Week 8. Wed., Oct. 28 – Study break: No Class

Research project Outline due (5%). Review p. 17-20, (Chap 1). Read text p. 299-304, (Chap 7). Rdg. “Making A Difference” by June Callwood. Library Term Paper Research visit.

Week 9. 2nd paper due. Discussion, coordination of information in essays.

Week 10. Wed., Nov. 11 – Remembrace Day Observance: No Class.

Tutorial presentations begin. Review of research paper preparation & MLA Citation. Review use of quotation. Text rdg: “MLA Documentation”, p. 360-403 (MLA Chap); and “Writing The Paper’, methods and evidence, p. 333-336 (Chap. 8).

Week 11. Study: “Working with Sources”: p. 294-324, (Chap. 7). “Avoiding Plagiarism and Documenting Sources”, 325-333. Read: “The Ticking Bomb”, by Wade Davis (cpk).

Week 12-13. Final tutorials.

Week 13-14. Research paper due (25%): No Lates. Week 14. Mon. Dec. 12, Last Class. Course Wrap-up and exam prep. Exams begin Dec. 9th

Eng. 105

Fall 2015

Reading List:

Vanessa Harriss. “Aye Aye, Skipper. 2010.

Macy, Joanna. “The Greening of the Self.” Dharma Gaia. Allan Badiner, ed. Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1990. pp. 171-180. 9 p. of 268. ISBN 0938077309

Chief Thunderchild. “A Winter of Hardship.” Treasures of the Place. Wayne Grady, ed. Vancouver: Greystone, 1992. pp. 117-121. 4 of 252. ISBN 1550540149

Charles Lillard. “Writers for Clayoquot.” From Cascadia: The Life and Breath of the World . T. Carolan and Frank Stewart, eds. Univ. of Hawaii Press, 2013.

ISBN 978-0-8248-3936-9. 3 p. of 224 p. used.

Wendell Berry. “The Pleasures of Eating”. From Saving Place. Sidney Dobrin, ed. Pearson, 1989. ISBN-10: 0767413245. 6 p of 480 p. used.

Wendell Berry, “Nature as Measure.” From Saving Place. Sidney Dobrin, ed. Pearson, 1989.

ISBN-10: 0767413245. 5 p of 480 p. used.

R.Z. Sheppard. “Confessions of a Public Son.” Time. Jan. 20, l986. 1 p.

Richard Eder. “Spender on Spender: No absence of malice.” Vancouver Sun, Jan. 1986. 1 p.

“Choosing Burden” by Phil Choi. Manoa Vol. 11, No. 1. U.S: University of Hawaii Press, 1999. P.

June Callwood. “Making A Difference.” Homemaker’s Magazine. April, l989.

Wade Davis. “The Ticking Bomb.” The Globe & Mail, July 6, 2002.

Aldo Leopold. “Thinking Like a Mountain,” from A Sand County Almanac. In Saving Place. Sidney Dobrin, ed. Pearson, 1989. ISBN-10: 0767413245. 5 p of 480 p. used.

Eden Robinson. “The Sasquatch At Home.” From The Sasquatch At Home. Edmonton: Univ. of Alberta Press, 2011. 9 p. of 61 p. used.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Marking Policy - Plagiarism: will result in a grade of zero, NC, and will be referred to UFV administration.

Late Assignments: Assignments must be handed in to the instructor on the due date. Late papers are subject to penalties. Any extensions are at the discretion of the instructor and may be subject to penalty. Assignments more than 5 days late may be refused acceptance.

Re-writes: Assignments that receive a grade of C or lower may be re-written for credit by instructor permission.

Paper Submissions: All assignments must be delivered in hard-copy. Email is not acceptable.

Illness and Family Emergencies: Please inform your instructor or a class buddy if these arise in case special arrangements need to be made.

Weather and Instructional Emergencies: In case of weather emergencies, check in online with UFV before leaving for class to see if special notices are posted or classes cancelled.

Missed Exams or Quizzes: Students are expected to attend exams and quizzes on the date. Make-ups are subject to instructor discretion.

Incompletes: Requests for final grades of Incomplete require a conference with the instructor and approval of the administration . If agreed to, this will require a signed contract detailing obligations and final completion dates.

Tutorial Projects: In the second half of term, individual tutorial topics will be organized within loose working groups. You will study and report on a particular author/topic you’ve selected. You will make individual reports to class, 7-10 min. each, and will be graded on an individual basis. You are encouraged to use overheads, short video clips, recordings, to dress up and play a role, etc. A short period will be set aside for questions following the presentations. Failure to present your response on a scheduled date, or poor effort will result in a 10% demerit.

Class Absence:

Regular attendance is obligatory for a final grade. I regard this as a matter of classroom citizenship and keep an attendance log. Students with high absenteeism can expect to be contacted by the instructor. Absenteeism


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