The Life of Josi Hopper
Autor: Adnan • June 3, 2018 • 5,044 Words (21 Pages) • 749 Views
radley to come out of his house so they can tell him if the stories are true or not.
What do they do in this game? Do you think the game is an accurate version of what happens in the Radleys’ home?
When they play the game, they imitate what has happened in the radley house and some of which the information has been made up, so i i don’t think this is an accurate version of what happened in the boo radley house because they were just rumors and it was children who were playing it after all. The source of the information would be radley himself, and the children got the information from more children who just make things up.
What might be the cause of the laughter from inside the house?
The cause of laughter could be that it’s radley laughing at the kids because of how the tire had ended up rolling on the porch of his house and he kids were acting like it was the end of the world.
Chapter 5:
Describe Miss Maudie Atkinson. How typical is she of Maycomb’s women? What do the children think of her?
Miss Maudie Atkinson is the only person that their family can count on because their dads a “nigger lover” the children think that she’s sort of like a babysitter and it’s typical of the Maycomb’s women
What does Miss Maudie tell Scout about Boo? How does this compare with what Scout already believes?
Miss Maudie tells scout the origanal story of boo and how boo is really a human with a really sad past and it compares to what she already believes by the part where he stabbed his dad in the leg with scissors.
Scout claims that "Dill could tell the biggest ones" (lies) she ever heard. Why might Dill have told such lies?
He would lie like that because he didn’t want scout and jem to know about how his life really was because it was terrible and he told lies to make his life seem great.
What reason does Atticus give for the children not to play the Boo Radley Game? Do you think he is right? Why?
The reason he gave was, because he was the only person who could see what it could be doing to boo i think he was because the kids had no idea what they were doing besides the fact that they wanted answers from boo.
Chapter 6:
Why does Scout disapprove of Jem’s and Dill’s plan of looking in at one of the Radleys’ windows?
She disapproves because she doesn’t want to go against atticus’s wishes.
What does Mr. Nathan Radley know about the intruders in his garden?
He knows that someone was intruding in his garden, but i don’t think he knew they were kids, or he wouldn’t have shot the gun. In return he sewed up the pants and put them on the fence for when he returned later that night.
Why does Dill’s explanation of Jem’s state of dress almost land him in trouble?
It almost lands him in trouble because he doesn’t have his one pair of pants on and they are out in public. And he makes up story of playing strip poker with matches because if they were playing with cards, there father would not be able to forgive them.
Chapter 7:
When Jem tells Scout about getting his trousers back, he tells her of something strange. What is this?
When he goes to get his trousers, he tells her that when he went to go get his trousers from the radley place, they were folded and stitched and repaired and ready to go. It’s like Boo knew he was coming back and he fixed them up.
What new item is found in the knothole of the tree?
The new item that was found in the tree was a ball of twine, 2 figurines made out of soap, a package of chewing gum, an old spelling bee medal, and a broken pocket watch on a chain.
Can you find any evidence that Jem is beginning to understand more than Scout about Boo Radley? What do you think this is?
The evidence states that he has came to the conclusion that boo is the one leaving the gifts for the children and jem is on the verge of telling atticus, but keeps changing his mind like he does with scout.
Does Jem still fear the gifts in the tree? Give reasons for your answer.
Yes, he fears the gifts in the tree. He fears them because they are in the vicinity of the radley place. He thought that the gum was poisoned and that the stuff in the tree belonged to someone else, and if they did, then that person would be coming to get them.
When the children plan to send a letter to the person who leaves the gifts, they are prevented. How does this happen? Who does it, and why might he do so?
They put it on a fishing pole and try to stick it in the window. Jem is at the base of the pole. So that they can thank Boo or Nathan for the gifts.
Chapter 8:
Why does Scout quiz Atticus about his visit to the Radley house? How much does Atticus tell her?
Scout quized atticus on his visit to the boo radley house because they really wanted to know atticus tells her that that he never saw boo, but does tell them that mrs. radley died of natural causes
What is the "near libel" which Jem puts in the front yard? How do Miss Maudie and Atticus react to it?
The “near libel” is the snowman that they made in their front yard out of mud and snow from their yard and miss maudie’s. they thought that it was very good, but they had to disguise it because they can’t go around making fun of the neighbors.
Why does Atticus save Miss Maudie’s oak rocking chair?
He saves miss maudie’s oak rocking chair because it is her most prized possession.
When Atticus asks Scout about the blanket around her shoulders, what does Jem realize?
When atticus asks scout where she got the blanket that was around her shoulders, jem came to the conclusion that boo radley had snuck out his front door during all of the commotion and wrapped it around scout’s shoulders when he saw her shivering. Nobody had even realized what had happened and he was still yet to be seen.
Explain what Atticus means by telling Jem not to let his discovery "inspire" him to "further glory?" Is there any reason why Jem might now