The Epidemic of Childhood Obesity
Autor: Adnan • March 10, 2018 • 1,201 Words (5 Pages) • 702 Views
Another factor is prevention and treatment of pediatric obesity. In fact this solution is combined with diet program and physical activity. In this plan, the goal is less eating food and more exercise. In fact, loss weigh with diet program is a long term program and difficult. The National Institutes of Health, USA statement indicates that the person who remain in weight loss programs just expect to loss %10 of their weight, but %50 of weight lose regain within a year and almost all of the weight regain within five years. The weight loss program is too difficult for children because of their susceptibility and the relative intellectual and psychological immaturity. Eventually, most of efforts to reduce obesity within children have used family and school approach, although pharmacological and surgical treatments are also available.
I was impressed, because authors demonstrated their opinion with an academic research by different valid sources which appeal reader to follow their subject. Especially, third solution is interesting, because it show that one solution is not enough, and combined alternatives can be more helpful to reach the best result.
In conclusion, the health threat posed by children obesity is a problem for which several potential solutions exist such as; healthy eating lifestyle habit and physical activity. According to first research by Lubna Mahmood, two factors including healthful eating habit and advertisement in media are too important. In fact, parents have crucial role help their children to have healthful eating habit. Also, school should make sure that children can meet their nutrient needs with a standard food plan at school. In addition, media advertisements affect children because children naturally are imitating, and when their favorite character is representative of an unhealthy food, they tend to have those. In second research by Shumei Xu and Ying Xue, they emphasized on three solutions, including family factor, physical activity and prevention and treatment. They believe that home environment and parent-child interaction are important to teach children having healthy food and suitable lifestyle. Also, they indicated that routine exercise can help children to reach healthy level of physical fitness. Moreover, prevention and treatment is a combined solution that is including diet program with physical activity. In sum, a good response will ensure that the obese child of today will not grow up to be an obese adult.