History of White - Tailed Deer Hunting in Indiana
Autor: Joshua • December 23, 2017 • 2,212 Words (9 Pages) • 817 Views
During archery season, there are approximately 121,403 hunters in Indiana. In 1993 alone, there were 107,835 deer killed in Indiana during archery season (Cornicelli). Nearly a decade later in 2002, 93,183 deer were harvested in Indiana during the archery season (McNew). Five years later in 2007, the number of deer harvested in Indiana during archery season dropped slightly to 89,921 (“2007 Deer Hunter Survey”).
The second season for hunting white-tailed deer in Indiana is firearms season. There is only one season, and it begins around November 12 and ends anywhere from 15 to 25 days later. In order to hunt during firearms season, one must own one of the following licenses: a deer firearms license, a deer license bundle, a bonus antlerless license, a resident youth hunt/trap license, a lifetime comprehensive hunting or hunting/fishing license (“Deer Seasons...”). The legal weapons for firearms season include shotguns, rifles, and handguns. They must follow specific guidelines, and that goes for the ammunition as well (“Deer Seasons...”).
During firearms season, there are approximately 209,670 hunters in Indiana. In 1993 alone, there were 44,693 deer harvested in Indiana during firearms season (Cornicelli). Nearly a decade later in 2002, there were 156,591 deer harvested in Indiana during firearms season (McNew). Five years later in 2007, the number of deer harvested increased to 166,505 (“2007 Deer Hunter Survey”).
Besides archery season and firearms season, there is a third and final season for white-tail deer hunting in Indiana. This is muzzleloader season. There is only one muzzleloader season, and it begins at the beginning of December and lasts 15 days. In order to hunt during muzzleloader season, one must own one of the following licenses: a deer muzzleloader license, a deer license bundle, a bonus antlerless license, a resident youth hunt/trap license, a lifetime comprehensive hunting or, a hunting/fishing license (Deer Seasons…”). Just like muzzleloader not being valid during firearms season, a firearms license in not valid during muzzleloader season (Deer Seasons…”).
A muzzleloader is a gun that is loaded through its muzzle, or barrel (“Muzzleloader Glossary”). A muzzleloader is different from other firearms in that it carries only one shot while regular firearms can carry multiple at one time. Muzzleloaders also have to be cleaned after every time they are shot while regular firearms do not. Muzzleloaders are not a reliable weapon to use when raining while hunting where a regular firearm is (Towsley).
During muzzleloader season, there are approximately 92,094 hunters in Indiana. During the 1993 Indiana muzzleloading season, there were 79,573 deer harvested (Cornicelli). Nearly a decade later in 2002, there were 75,257 deer harvested during muzzleloading season (McNew). Five years later in 2007, the number of deer harvested in Indiana during muzzleloader season increased to 82,494 deer (“2007 Deer Hunter Survey”).
As of 2013, there were 190,575 licensed hunters in Indiana. That same year, 125,635 deer were harvested, 40,240 of which were antlered. The other 79,395 were antlerless (“2013 Indiana Deer Season Summary”).
Since the different seasons allow hunters options, hunting in Indiana has gained popularity throughout the years. This can be seen in the number of hunter licenses purchases from 1993 to 2013. In 1993 there were 198,463 licenses purchased in Indiana (Cornicelli). Four year later in 1997, there were 226,499 Indiana hunters. Of these, 199,519 were licensed hunters and 26,980 were landowners and military personnel who do not require a license to hunt (Weaver). During the 2002 Indiana deer hunting season, there were 169,269 hunters. Of these, 150,662 were licensed and 18,607 were landowners and military personnel (McNew). Eleven years later in 2013, there were 190,575 hunters’ licenses sold in Indiana (“2013 Indiana Deer Season Summary”). Thus, in a span of 20 years, the number of hunting licenses sold in Indiana decreased from 198,463 to 190,575(Cornicelli; “2013 Indiana Deer Season Summary”).
Putting aside the popularity of deer hunting in Indiana, one reason deer hunters in Indiana should only be allowed to use lower-powered rifles when hunting is…
Works Cited
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