Narrative of Jd Green
Autor: Maryam • October 4, 2018 • 807 Words (4 Pages) • 629 Views
and failed in his attempt after falling onto the patrolmen and dropping his bag. He had to go back for it and found the gun lying next to it. He then escaped again and rode on horseback up to Baltimore. He abandoned the horse and stationed himself in the woods where he caught barn fowl from nearby farms. On his way to the north he was stopped many times and forced to run, hide, and even fight back. He tied a woman to her bed because she and her husband were going to turn him in. He stole mutton and other foods and then ran into the woods again. He was later caught and put up for sale at a local slave auction. He was sold off and sent away. He wrote some poetry for a friend of his that had just died.
He worked in Tennessee for three years and was going to go to New Orleans, but he escaped. He went to a free slave and was helped into a shipping yard. He then was able to stow away and go all the way up to New York. He went to Utica but was found by his old master. He was brought to Cleveland and put in jail by his master. He then got sent to Louisville Kentucky and was put up for auction again. He was sold to Mr. Wheelbanks. He was a coachmen and had a horse and carriage. While bringing a young woman to a destination, JD decided to escape and tied the woman to a tree. He then took the carriage off and rode the horse to Lexington. He then made his way back up Louisville. He found his was into the cellar of an Irishmen where he met a servant girl who worked with the underground railroad. The man dressed him in woman’s clothing and sent him all the way up to Canada where he was finally free.