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Thomas Green: Power, office Politics and a Career in Crisis

Autor:   •  December 2, 2017  •  972 Words (4 Pages)  •  848 Views

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Davis, on the other hand, mostly talked about Green’s shortcomings instead of appreciating him of his selling strategies. This is was probably because Davis wants to get Green fired as he had an out of turn promotion without even his consultation. He has good interpersonal relations with McDonald and more importantly, he questioned Davis’ sales forecast, particularly in the region where he was working. Another possibility could have been that Davis actually wanted Green to improve his performance with no hidden agenda. However, if that would have been the case, Davis should have given him more time and a lot more guidance.

5. What actions, if any, would you take if you were Thomas Green?

- Instead of concentrating efforts on ‘selling’, work to develop new/innovative marketing tactics to grow and sustain the region sales. Also communicate these with Davis using proper documentation techniques and keep him updated on their implementation progress.

- Have proper communication with Davis. Thomas did not communicate his idea of an up-selling and cross-selling software which would increase sales in future (after 2008). Bad mouthing Davis outside own project group is not the right way forward.

- Not work in isolation, to let all know about changes and the amount of efforts put in.

- Work more on proposals for clients along with alternatives backed by supporting details and market data. If supporting data not available, assure clients of the same within fixed time frame.

- Not to avoid Davis. Have meetings with boss about ongoing tasks, progress, etc. Having a good rapport with boss helps in having his trust and confidence.

- Get back in time to the superiors and maintain good relations with McDonald.

- Keep a to-do list so as not to forget various deliverables, either to clients or own office.

- Update and maintain Outlook Calendar so as to let others know your schedule. Keep boss updated about any changes.


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