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Leading and Managing People

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3 Motivation Theories

Motivation is a tool that an organization uses to take the advantage of the needs and motives of their employees and direct these needs and motives toward attaining the organization’s goals. Every organization understands that, everyone works in expectation of some rewards. (Hong, Yang, Wang, Chiou, Sun, and Huang, 1995) state that, the quality and the quantity of the work done by the employees, is influenced by the rewards whether material or spiritual. Greenberg and Baron (2008) have defined motivation as a set of process that arouse the human behavior direct it and maintain human behavior toward attaining organizational or personal goals. As motivation a very important aspect in the success of any organization or even individual success, many researches and lot of work have been done by psychologists to define and understand what motivates people.ans as the people’s motives have changed, before people were satisfied with the payment they get, whatever the job, but now, what motivates people is not only money. (Brooks, 2005) summarized the way the motivation theories have been developed. Motivation theories developed mainly in USA and progressed from the traditional approach where money has greater importance to individuals than the nature of the job they perform. Today’s theories have been developed only after the psychologist’s explored motivation from three distinct perspectives, and they are: goals, decision, and influence. (Buckanan, Huczyski, 1985) supported that by stating that, the three distinct but related perspectives of motivation are goals, decision, and influence. They have classified the motivation theories in the light of these perspectives. To give a clear view of how do Buchanan and Huczynski have split motivation theories? Figure 3.1 will illustrate their view.

From the figure, we can say that, most of the motivation theories drive from either content or process theories. As (Brooks, 2005) stat that, the two set of motivation theories content or process theories are compatible, but they give insight motivation in the workplace when they are combined. Coming back to NRAA and its performance appraisal system, looking at the motivation theories in depth and trying to apply the right theory on NRAA’s case. We should consider that, performance appraisal is about staff’s expectations, what they expect as a reward and it’s providing them with recognition of their efforts. Recognition can be considered as an incentive. Looking at the process theories, considering that performance appraisal is a process as (Rogers, 1995) stat that, performance appraisal is a combination of process that provides recognition and reward. Also looking at the expectation of the employees when they score a certain grade in the appraisal, they will expect certain reward. From all that, we can focus on applying the expectancy theories of motivation on NRAA case. Daly and Brian (1995) argued that, expectancy theory is the best theory to motivate all employees, employees perform greatest effort because they believes that, their effort will lead to best appraisal grades, which will lead to best rewards. The most influential process theory in academic circles currently is the expectancy theory (Rollinson, Broodfield, Edwards, 1998). Vroom expectancy theory is the theory that we will be applying on NRAA performance appraisal system. 3.1 Why Vroom expectancy theory?

The American psychologist Victor H. Vroom (1964) is credited with the first expectancy theory of motivation and it known as Vroom’s (VIE) model (Nelson, Quick, 2003). He developed his theory from the original work of Tolman and Honzik (1930), his theory stat that, motivation is determined by the expectation of the individual’s behavior which lead to particular outcome (Brooks, 2005). In general, motivation expectancy theories look at motivation as it determined by the individual expectation’s that their behavior will lead to particular outcome. The simple expectancy theory equation is: Motivation (M) = Expectation (E) * Valence (V)

The basic theory considers that, individuals differ in valuing the same outcome (Brooks, 2005). Vroom has argued the same, but he developed his expectancy equation as: F = V * I * E

Whereas F----- Motivation force.


I------Instrumentality and E------ Expectancy. (Nelson, Quick, 2003) explain that, Valence is a measure of the preference that individual has about a particular outcome. It can be positive or negative. The value of valence is from minus 10 to plus 10. Whereas outcome has two levels, first-level outcome is the human behavior as an immediate result; second-level outcome is the consequence of the first-level outcome. So instrumentality is the connection between first-level and second-level outcome, does the first-level lead to valued second-level outcome? (Nelson, Quick, 2003).In this equation the force (F) of person’s motivation to work hard is the result of the product (multiplication), because if any value is zero, the motivation force will be zero (Buchanan, Huczynski, 1985). Coming back to our NRAA performance appraisal, as employee’s behavior will determined by the grade that they wish or expect to achieve in their appraisal. And as Vroom expectancy theory is a mathematical equation as Kreitner, Kincki (2008) says, Vroom theory based on mathematical equation which integrates the concept of expectancy, instrumentality, and valence. Looking at other motivation theories, for example, Maslow’s need hierarchy, we cannot apply this theory on NRAA case because appraisal will become below the fourth level of Maslow’s hierarchy, as many individual believes that they may not be working for long period in the organization without appraisal. Also in deciding when a certain level is satisfied. But on the other hand, looking at the other process theory of motivation, we can see that they are also applicable at NRAA case. Figure 3.3 will show how they are applicable. It seems to be the expectancy theory is the most applicable. Figure 3.3


4 Terms Of reference

4.1 Exploring the Issue:

4.1. A Background about NRAA:

The National Records and Achieves Authority is a government body which was established by a Royal Decree no 60/2007. Its main objectives are to build a record management system in all the government entities and to provide assistance in establishing records department in all government institutions. It’s has about 200 employees, which most of them have been transferred from different government institutions,


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