Business Entrepreneur
Autor: Sara17 • February 12, 2018 • 2,362 Words (10 Pages) • 737 Views
the contract as well. They may also be fees since the money will be going overseas so that is also something to take into consideration. I feel that one of the best and secure ways to transfer the money would be to open a separate bank account just for this reason. When opening the account I would speak with them about what it is for and when making the payments actually go to the bank and have a way that if some suspicious activity came up on the account they can freeze it.
When it comes to China, I would handle everything like I did with India. I would do my research for exactly where I would like to have my clothes made. You want to look for a good respectable company, that has a good report from its customer service. When you do find this company that you feel a good connection with, you will want to set up a contract. You want to make sure that you have something in writing stating that you both agree to the terms and payment for the items that are being made. You will also want to have a lawyer take a look at it as well to make sure everything it correct and that you are not missing anything before you sign. Another good reason to bring in lawyer is to make sure they are fulfilling the international laws that are intact and to make sure that the company we chose to do business with is not asking for anything else in return. I would also have them put in the contract that is the clothes do not hold up to what they say that the items can be returned and receive the clothes that was promised. With the shipping of the fabric from India to China you would have to look into all the prices and depending how fast you want the clothes will determine on what kind of shipping you would use. I would look into all the major shipping companies and go with the one that would have the best guarantee.
The next decision would be how to make the payment. The first thing that you want to look into is the currency exchange. Since there is a difference between our money and theirs you want to make sure that you and the company are in agreement with the payment and make sure that is also put in the contract as well. They may also be fees since the money will be going overseas so that is also something to take into consideration. I feel that one of the best and secure ways to transfer the money would be to open a separate bank account just for this reason. When opening the account I would speak with them about what it is for and when making the payments actually go to the bank and have a way that if some suspicious activity came up on the account they can freeze it.
There is one extra thing that I would do. I would make sure that I had a really good relationship with the company that is going to be making my clothes. I would be in contact with them on a regular basis via phone and videoconference as well. That way when the fabric is has made it there I will be able to get to take a look and make sure it tis the correct fabric. Making sure that you have a good professional relationship with the company that will be making the clothes that you will be selling is very important, it will make the process so much easier. This way, will you not only have someone that you can go to, but so will that company you are doing business with as well.
I feel that one of the big things that can cause problems with dealing with an company that international can be cultural barriers. India has completely different values that we do, and you want to make sure that our values and their values do not clash. So you will want to make sure that you look into their cultural background that way there will be no issues when you start working with them. Another thing that can be done is that you can send someone or hire someone that works out there to oversee all the work that is being done. To make sure that they send the correct fabric and to make sure that everything is being made correctly. You want to make sure that you are in good standing with the countries that you are doing business with and you have an open line of communication with them as well.
While all of the deals are going from picking out the right fabric and making sure it gets to China and then making sure that everything is correct before they ship it out. You want to maker sure that you have everything in line with your business. Make sure you have everything in line with the building, making sure it is up to code and that you have all the documents that are need. You also want to make sure that you have a catchy name for the shop. Something that will grab everyone’s attention.
When it comes time for the items to be shipped from China you are going to want to look for all the companies that will ship from China to the U.S. You are going to have to decide if you are going to choose post, which can take 2 to 5 weeks, this can be very economical but is it very unsafe at the same time. Express Courier, which can take 2 to 5 weeks as well, this, can be a very seamless delivery, but the cost is much higher. Air is the best idea if they are going to be large boxes, this shipping can take 2 to 10 day. Sea is the lengthiest process. This can take up to 60 days, depending on where you are located. Each one of these come with there own benefits, so you will need to compare all of these and decide which one will be the best fit for you and your company.
Starting up your own business can be an exciting step for everyone that is involved. When doing this process you want to make sure that you are doing everything possible and get all the paperwork in order so there will be not setback when it comes time to open the doors to your business. The rewards for starting up your own store are extremely intense because of all the hard work and dedication that you have put into it. But, to get to that place it takes years of practice and perseverance. There is a lot in common between the demanding activities and the challenges, rewards, excitement and pain that you may face in life. Every person that starts up their own business usually feels tremendous amount of pride for all they have created. It will be a long hard journey, but in the end the benefits and relief of