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Business Model and Strategic Planning

Autor:   •  August 10, 2017  •  4,113 Words (17 Pages)  •  1,328 Views

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Principles and Values

Principles and values of the company are the guidelines that lead the employees through circumstances. The guidelines are also provided within the mission and vision statement, and the code of ethics. The employees of Sisterly Luv Home Health Care has to understand that this business is a health care company that must provide all of its patients/customers respectfully while conducting their job in a professional and ethical manner.

The strategic plan is carried out through the principles and values, and the vision and mission statements. The business's strategic plan put emphasis on the combination of these components. The training and posters placed throughout the home will remind the patients, customers, and employees of the importance of the statements. The training and visual aids will be reminders for everyone to ensure that they understand why the company exists and the goals to reach at the end of the road.

The values of Sisterly Luv will validate the vision and mission statement of the business. The company represents a business that will perform in a respectful and ethical manner towards its patients, customers, and employees. Sisterly Luv will educate all of their employees with pride to educate and uphold their beliefs.

Analysis of How the Vision, Mission, and Values Guide Strategic Direction

The company will be guided by the mission, vision, and values statements leading to the strategic direction. The vision will lay out a destination; the destination will guide our strategy, and the strategy will choose the action (Robbins, S., 2014). The actions lead to success. The company is devoted to providing the patients, customers, families, and building the stockholders and employees knowledge by providing their needs through the mission statement. The proficiency and knowledge of the employees in the health field will be a part of the mission statement. Everyone will know what the business stands for when they read a statement from the stockholders at the top, down to the patients, customers, and employees.

The company will summarize how it will be successful while offering exceptional health care to the patients and customers through the vision statement. The vision is to be foremost home health care company dedicated to attaining quality as a vision of the patients, customers, stockholders, and employees. To achieve this goal, there has to be a want and determination to do your best and to be the best. The strategy and vision will drive policies. Once the vision sets the direction, and the strategy links it to the present situation, it will specify a scope for the employees of the business to follow in the approaching years.

The strategic direction also includes the core values to be important along with the vision and mission statements. The company would like to be the best in its field. However, there has to be a loyalty to quality in all areas of the company. There has to be creativity shown for how the company responds to the problem-solving for meeting the patients and customer's needs. There has to be teamwork and team responsibility that lets the employees and customers know they are supported by the whole business and staff. There must also be integrity within the company that will provide that they can trust the business for all concerned. Once a company has established the direction and goals over the next couple of years, the goal is to have several locations throughout the Atlanta Metro area.

While utilizing all of the above measures and by implementing the strategic objectives, we will recognize the tactics and methods that focus on all audiences. The strategic business plan will include the stockholders financial perception, the client's value perception, and how Sisterly Luv commitment of knowing the internal operations and processes viewpoint will maintain a balance sheet of everything that comes in and goes out of the company.

Meeting Customer Needs and Achieving Competitive Advantage

In order to meet the needs of the customer, Sisterly Luv Home Health Care will listen to what the patients and customers ask for, come up with the best conceivable resolution, and provide it in a timely manner that is the most cost effective.

The employees will need to be alert, motivated, and eager to help all patients at all times. They will have to listen tentatively, think about the situation before reacting, and then execute. When listening to the customer, they may not know the correct way to express themselves, so the employee may have to read between the lines or put themselves into the patient's needs. When thinking, all possibilities must be considered before making a choice. Then, last but not least, execute the analysis of meeting the patient's demands must be in a timely manner.

Sisterly Luv will provide the best possible in order to be above the competition. There will be regularly monthly training provided. To be the best, the employees have to be part of the best in the health field. The long-term goals of the business will be successful with knowledge and a strong desire to provide the patients with the best care available.

Culture, Social Responsibility, and Ethics

The Home Health Care Company will employee individuals of any culture that is qualified to work in the health care industry. It will be a multi-cultural atmosphere. The mission and vision statements will include that all employees are bound to be ethical. Knowing the difference between right and wrong is important, but all employees must do what is right. Ethics will also include the services and products, and working relationship with all employees and stockholders. Ethics in the workplace can be managed with an ethics management program. The principles that we want to impose on all employees is that our focus is for the well-being of the patients/customer.

Business Model and Strategic Plan Part II: SWOTT Analysis

When the owner starts a new business, they must have a strategy plan that will focus on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and trends. This type of analysis is called an SWOTT analysis. According to Pearce & Robinson (2009, p. 149), "SWOTT is an abbreviation for internal strengths and weaknesses of the business, and the environmental opportunities and threats that will be faced. SWOTT analysis is a method that managers create a rapid overview of the business's strategic situation."

Strengths are resource advantages relative to competitors and the needs of the markets


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