Assessment of Job Satisfaction and Job Commitment Proposal
Autor: Mikki • January 14, 2018 • 2,284 Words (10 Pages) • 882 Views
Another reason why researchers are interested in studying whether job satisfaction would lead to organizational commitment is because increases productivity. The management should investigate their employees’ level of satisfaction, which can signal whether there is commitment from their workers or not. Employees’ productivity is highly related to their level of job satisfaction and in fact, the turnover rate can be reduced with a higher level of organizational commitment. Therefore, it is important for an organization to understand the relationships between these two variables.
Regardless of the position, or the organization where they work, employees are responsible for the development in their organization, and in spite of the many technological advances made by humans; employees still do the work of the organization and are ultimately responsible for its success. Given the above reasons, we have established that studying the relationship between employee job satisfaction and commitment is of great importance in achieving organizational goals and objectives.
The purpose of this research can be achieved by means of answering the following research questions:
- To what extents are the employees of TECNO TELECOM are committed?
- To assess the link between job satisfaction and commitment?
- To assess the relationship of job satisfaction and commitment with the employees performance?
- To assess the influence of the company management on employee job satisfaction and commitment?
To analyze the above mentioned variables we will be using correlation analysis by using the SPSS statistical software.
Theoretical Framework
The conceptual framework below will offer the conceptual foundation to examine and explore more to the study in verifying the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction.
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Independent Variable consists of one variable that is job Satisfaction with its own six dimensions (I.e. the work itself, supervision, pay, promotion, working conditions, and co-workers). Whereas, the Dependent Variable consists of one variable and that is organizational commitment with three main focus affective organizational commitment, continuance organizational commitment and normative organizational commitment.
The relationship between the above variables will be assessed using the correlation analysis technique.
Objective of the study
The main objective of this study is to assess the relationship between employee job satisfaction and commitment,
Specific objective of the study:
- To assess the level of job satisfaction and job commitment among employees of TECNO.
- To identify factors affecting job satisfaction dimensions and employee job commitment.
- The relationship between job satisfaction and job commitment will be assessed.
Significance of the Study
The research will help management of the organization to have the opportunity to be more aware about job satisfaction and employees commitment towards the organization. Besides that, by determining this matter, the organization might be able to recognize the factors that may affect organizational commitment and satisfaction. Thus, helping managers to be more alert and concerned towards the satisfaction of their employees and improve their commitment towards the organization. In addition to its practical significance it also serves as an additional reference to the existing literature.
Limitation of the Study
- Lack of adequate and appropriate information and Data.
- Due to the specificity of the research population, the result may not be generalized to other companies.
Scope of the Study
This study focuses on the link between job satisfaction and commitment of the employees particularly in the Technological sector by taking TECNO TELECOM in Addis Ababa area. It addresses the relationship between job satisfaction and commitment on employees of the company.
Research Methodology
The research is focusing on the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction. This study is quantitative in nature and uses both primary and secondary sources of data. The findings and conclusion of the study will depend on the full utilization of statistical data collected and analyzed using SPSS. The population of this study covers a selected few factory workers of TECNO that are found in Addis Ababa. The data for this research will be collected by using structured questionnaire, interview, and secondary sources such as the internet, company brochures and studies made by other people on the company.
The respondents are given a certain amount of time to fill out and return the questionnaire. The answers given will be checked and coded to enable the researchers analyze them using the Statistical Packages for the Social Science (SPSS).
Population of the study
The population for this study is the employees of TECNO company who are working in Addis Ababa factory. The employees number 300.
Sampling method
The sampling method the researchers will use for this study will be random sampling method which will be based on their personal Identification Card (ID) Numbers given to the employees by the company, who are working in the Addis Ababa. The questionnaire will be distributed to around 80 workers using the above mentioned techniques.