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The Role of Core Self-Evaluation in Mentoring Initiation and Job Satisfaction

Autor:   •  August 15, 2017  •  1,855 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,229 Views

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Hypothesis 3: Mentoring imitation is positively related to job satisfaction.


The data were collected through an online survey. Master of Human Resources Management Program students in the Hong Kong Baptist University are responsible to send invitations to the employees of a private or public organization, who working experience are over two years. This survey was consisted of two parts, the first survey (Time 1) was sent out in mid of October and the second survey (Time 2) was sent out seven days after receiving Time 1 survey is completed. If Time 2 survey have not completed in three days, a reminder email was sent. Participants were informed that the survey was being carried out through the Hong Kong Baptist University for a teaching purpose and that it was designed to enhance students’ understanding of career development of Hong Kong employees. Respondents who completed two waves of data collection will receive a supermarket coupon for fifty Hong Kong dollars.

Of the 238 individuals who participated at Time 1 survey, 169 (71%) participated at Time 2. The sample size was further reduced by missing data or uncompleted survey. There were six and twenty-two invalid respondents’ data in Time 1 and Time 2 survey respectively. After deletion, completed data were available for 147 respondents.


As shown in Appendix 1, it contains the descriptive statistics and correlations among the study variables, supporting Hypotheses 1, 2, and 3. Hypothesis 1 and 2 are fully supported, CSE is positively and significantly related to mentoring initiation (r=.29, p,.001) and job satisfaction (r=.29, p,.001). Hypothesis 3 is also fully supported, mentoring initiation is positively and significantly related to job satisfaction (r=.36, p,.001).

It further reveals that, people with high self-esteem, self-efficacy, locus of control and low neuroticism, would like to initiate a mentoring relationships. In order to attain their goal and perform successfully, they will actively search for a senior individual for career assistance. As they perceive difficulties in a positive way, hold a strong will that they can make a difference according to their actions, therefore they are more satisfied with the job. The higher their CSE, the higher the job satisfaction and vice versa.


This paper provides an insight for managers and employees on the relationships of core self-evaluation, mentoring initiation and job satisfaction. It explains why there are people attempt to initiate a mentoring relationship, the reason of difference in the level of job satisfaction among individuals, and how core self-evaluation may exert an effects on these two aspects.

In regards of the findings, it is important for the manager to consider the personality of employees when designing training and development program. As the employees with low CSE less likely to seek for a mentor themselves, manager should pay more attention or assign a formal mentoring for them. It is also important to enhance their self-esteem, self-efficacy and locus of control. By building up a positive attitude and their self-confidence, they may have better performance and enjoy their work, which in turn improve the job satisfaction.

In the same vein, employees with high CSE may easily receive mentoring because of their initiation behavior. With more support, they can be assigned with a more complicated or challenging task to attain higher job satisfaction. Trainings regarding on the new knowledge or skills may be highly appreciated. Managers may also encourage them to provide guidance or share their experience with others. This may help to promote an enthusiastic and learning environment for the company.

This study only provides a very preliminary idea, there are still several factors of developmental support seeking behavior and career outcomes can be further investigated, for example, the supervisor feedback or feedback seeking behavior, and the career satisfaction. It is also interesting to know whether other situational causes can contribute an effect on the initiation behavior, such as under a competitive environment. Besides, further investigation can be conducted to find out whether CSE make an influence on the types of development network that individual involved, whereas it is a strong or weak strength of relationship.



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Appendix 1: Correlationsc







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