Evaluate the Core Critical Thinking Skills
Autor: Jannisthomas • November 23, 2017 • 1,194 Words (5 Pages) • 953 Views
the articles will make us easier to analyse productively.
The other core critical thinking skill is evaluation. Evaluating need us to consider the trustworthiness of the statements. For example, in a competition, we usually evaluate the judges. How the judges’ talks, the conditions that need to fulfil to be the champion in the competition and we will compare to the final results of the competition. We will decide either the results of the competition are fair enough with what the judges said earlier. The other examples, one way to helps our students to evaluate are to instil them to make sure perspectives are maintained with suitable explanations and proof. Many students prejudge or accept information without questioning the quality and sources of the information. The main point here is to evaluate the information and also the sources before making any conclusion. So, the student can evaluate the statement or claim in correct ways.
The forth core critical thinking skills is inferences. Inference is using observation and background to reach a logical conclusion. We probably practice inference every day. For example, if we see someone eating a new food and he or she makes a face, then you infer he or she does not like it. Or if someone slams a door, you can infer that she is upset about something. In a more specific example, when writing a story, an author will not include all the information for us. He/she will expect us to read between the lines and reach conclusions about the text. When making inferences, you are looking beyond what is stated in the text and finding the ideas to which the author only hints. This makes you a more active reader and critical thinker.
The fifth core critical thinking skill is explanation. When make any explanation, we need to begin it with a statement then, conclude the statement. For example : ’Let us see how a single cell functions’ is a beginning statement that mentally prepares the student to expect what is going to follow. After explaining the function of a single cell, it is customary to wind up saying "These are the various functions that are involved in a single cell. Make the explanation simple, arrange the points and avoid unnecessary points.
The final core critical thinking skill is self-regulation. Self-regulation can be simply known as our open-mindedness to accept others view. Imagine ourselves being asked a controversial argument such as the economic performance in Malaysia. We have our own view and our own reason to choose either to accept or critique the statements. Self-regulation will control us to become professional when we face someone with different view. Our self-regulation usually comes from our deep faith but it can be nurtured. In the infinity world nowadays, there are too many arguments that our students need to face daily. By having a good self-regulating skills will make them a good critical thinker. They can accept other opinion and know the real reason they have faith on the arguments. They will become someone who will be confidence and understand the others.
As a conclusion, critical thinking is a process which directs us to rational deductions, through the application of a set of skills. It can be used in diverse situations in order to assess the validity of several postulates presented as results of a problem or an issue. Critical and creative thinking, although different, can work together when problems occur for advanced solutions. In the education world, the application of critical thinking results in better decisions, fewer mistakes and improves the level of collaboration among people.