Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics - Organization Behaviour
Autor: Jannisthomas • November 5, 2018 • 6,037 Words (25 Pages) • 1,059 Views
1.1.4 Definition organizational culture
“Organizational culture is the behavior of humans within an organization and the meaning that people attach to those behaviors.” (Qwerke)
From my understanding, organizational culture is the set of assumptions, beliefs, values and norms that are shared by an organization’s members. This culture may have been consciously created by its key members, or it may have simply evolved across time. It represents the key element of the work environment in which employee perform their jobs.
1.1.5 Types of organizational culture
We have learned 4 types of organizational culture from Charles Handy (1989) model which are power, role, task, person. According to Brooks (2006) Handy suggest that power culture are found in small entrepreneurial firms, role culture in larger bureaucratic organization, task-culture dominate in matrix-type organization, where power lies at the intersection of roles and person culture are common where the individual is the key element.
“Power cultures are frequently found in small entrepreneurial organization, it relies on central power, informal communication and trust. A unity of purpose negates the need for bureaucracy. The competence, flexibility and dynamism of the central power force, often the owner, are essential. Increased size might break the tight web-like relationship in which case the organization might establish a satellite or replicate itself elsewhere power culture place considerable demand on staff.” (Brooks, 2006)
From my understanding, power culture is where we have to follow what the leader say and the decision are made quickly. These mean that our company did not take advantage of the skill and experience of the employees.
“Role culture in contrast to the smaller power culture, this cultural type is characterized by high levels of bureaucracy and formality. A small group of senior manager controls the coordination between specialist and functional areas. Rules, procedure and job description are norm. Work is thought to be rationally allocated staff. Suited to stable environment, role culture find change difficult to cope with. They provide security and predictable for staff.” (Brooks, 2006)
From my understanding, role culture is come from our self. Employees usually are assigned for a specific job and ensure that the task are done without any problem and mistake. The person with specialist role must increase the productivity and to do this, the person must have trained well and have experienced. This culture is hard to adapt because it is controlled by strict system.
“Task cultures are often found in matrix organization where power resides at the intersection of responsibilities. Employees tend to hold joint for multiple responsibilities and work relatively autonomously influence is based on expertise as opposed to rank. The need for authority is reduced by the existence of both individual control and teamwork. Operational decision can be made quickly making the organization flexible. These organization find specialization, or achieving economic of scale, difficult.” (Brooks, 2006)
From my understanding, task culture is a management that are accomplish their task in a group or teamwork. This culture is always have a target which is get the job done in time. This culture is important for people that are experts in accomplish goals. The length of service is not important but the talent is important in teamwork. The performance can be seen through the result. When the result is good and the task are done, the group can be dismiss.
“Person culture describe that individual is key feature in this culture and it only exist if individual come together because they see some mutual benefits ensuing. Teams of professional or even hippie communities, illustrate this type of culture. There is no formal control and no single overriding objective. Influence is shared and based on expertise and mutual respect. Individuals tend to share common interest. ” (Brooks, 2006)
From my understanding, the organizations are only focus on the employees or people in the organization because they only depend on expertise. In the business, the people are mostly have a same training, same expertise and same field. Individual see themselves as unique because they have talent in their job.
1.1.6 Organizational culture for Apple Inc and Samsung Electronics
Apple Inc.
Samsung Electronics
“Tim Cook is known as a leader who will trust the opinions and voices of the team he surrounds himself with. He is fortunate to have many top executives that can help share the workload of the business. He understands these individuals are successful people with innovative and brilliant ideas, and will often allow these executives to take the lead. Part of being a leader is understanding that you don’t know everything, and handing some of the workload to others on your team will go a long way in helping you become a successful leader.” (Ghosh, 2016)
“Samsung Electronics announced on June 27 that it would reform its human resources management system, moving on to a task and role-centered system in order to improve its global competitiveness and to create a creative and horizontal organizational culture. The changes centered on the simplification of job ranks and the adoption of nonhierarchical titles.” (Jin-sik, 2016)
Type of culture
Person culture
Based on my researches from the statement above, I can conclude that Apple Inc. are using person culture. This is supported with the statement above where Tim Cook trust his team to make the work completely perfect. Tim Cook acknowledge the knowledge that their employees have in completing the job given. This will motivate the employee to work more efficiently.
Task culture
Based on my researches from the statement above, I can conclude that Samsung Electronics are using task culture. From the statement above we can see that that Samsung will reform back their HR management system into a more task and role-centered system. Which will means that the employee will have their own specialization task. The task that the employee get also will be in group so that everyone can focus to one task only instead