Restaurant Nasi Lemak Project Propossal
Autor: Mikki • May 9, 2018 • 4,489 Words (18 Pages) • 726 Views
Restaurant Nasi Lemak implement manual receipt and sales system currently. They produce a receipt manually to customers by writing. The amount calculated may not be accurate as they may make mistake because of human error. In additional, there are also lack of record and evidence in receipt of customer and sales because they only depend on a document which is order list. It is hard to reconcile the cash received with the handwritten order list one by one. Therefore, this may cause the theft from staff due to the weak internal control. For instance, the restaurant also has experienced the theft of money repeatedly because they cannot easily trace the amount of money that has been taken in short period until manager review the recorder from CCTV.
Other problems such as lack of proper records for purchasing and weak human resource system. In their payroll system, there does not have organized employee attendance’s system which record the cloak in and out of every staffs such as punch card system. This will lead to problem such as employee not being punctual coming late to work and leave early. For purchasing system, some of the supplier may provide credit payment, where manager will not receive any evidence of daily purchase. Manager will receive a purchasing invoice after 2 week of purchasing. This may cause the manipulation of supplier in quantity of item, price of purchasing invoice.
2.0 Project Scope, Limitation and Feasibility
2.1 Project Scope
To solve most of the problem in Restaurant Nasi Lemak, We come out with a solution to develop a system to computerized business transaction rather than manual process. Our system will focus on order and sales process of restaurant which called Point of Sales Restaurant System. POS Restaurant System basically is a touchscreen system where it will place it at the counter. The main user of this system is cashier and manager. POS Restaurant System will help to solve the problem of weak recording and filing, issue formal receipts, segregation of duties between cashier and manager. The main function of POS system is to record the order and sales transaction of the restaurant. Besides that, POS also use to generate daily sales report for manager for the purpose to reconcile with the cash in drawer. Internal control and security is also essential which our team concern about in this system. Access control set up in this system by having different login password and username for manager and cashier. Besides that, we will also set different interface for manager and cashier in order to separate the function to prevent conflict of interest.
2.2 Limitation
Based on the system that will be implementing to the restaurant which is point of sale restaurant system, we found that some limitations for this system
From the system, we can say that only authorized person may enter the system. Which is only the one manager and one cashier can enter to the system because the system required the user name and also password. Manager can access the system to view all the report and daily order in detail. Manager also can edit the entire menu and also the price for that menu. For cashier, he or she may enter the system to record the daily order made by customer. Cashier only can record the daily order; record all the payment and can print the sale order checklist and receipts. But cashier cannot edit the entire menu on the system.
Besides that, the system required only one cashier can control the daily order that made by customer. Unlike others POS restaurant system, their system can have multiple login for cashier. This is because from the operation of the restaurant that we interview before, only one cashier controls all the daily order process. But the cashier required the username and password to enter the system. He or she may have the username and password that other person do not know.
From the order process, we can say that the customer cannot make the specific order which is some person may not eat some ingredient in the menu. But the customer only can order based on the menu that available. Customer can only choose the menu that not contains what they cannot eat but cannot order the specific menu. In other words, if the person is vegetarians, they can choose the menu for vegetarians but add or drop the ingredient on the menu that the customer orders.
Our POS restaurant system only suitable for small size of restaurant where this system is emphasis on order and sales system function. Compared to others POS system, there may have the employee attendance system by swiping identity employee card to cloak in and out of working time. Besides that, we assume that all the customer will paid by cash. So, out POS system does not have the credit card or debit card service in payment.
Lastly, the system that will be implementing in the restaurant may not fulfill the paperless advantages. This is because, the system required printing two sale order checklist which is one for the customer to tally the order that already made, and other one is for kitchen staff to make the menu that order by customer. Other than that, the system also needs to print the receipt to the customer for their review.
2.3 Feasibility
Feasibility is an action to determine project usability, costs, benefits, and schedules and evaluate the possible to implement proposed system in this restaurant. We will discuss 4 feasibilities which is economic, scheduling, technical and operation feasibility.
2.3.1 Economic feasibility
The objective of economic feasibility is to check whether the possible benefit is able to exceed the possible cost. The positive result which is benefit >= cost is what the manager should achieve to determine is it possible to proceed with the project. The evaluation is usually included cost-benefit analysis. If the result is negative which is cost >= benefit, the manager should decline the project. We will determine variety of cost that must be classify such as tangible or intangible, direct or indirect, One-time cost or recurring cost, development and operational. For benefit, there also tangible or intangible and direct or indirect benefit that is possible. After determine all the possibilities of benefit and cost that incurred during the process of developing the information system. We make a comparison between benefit – cost to find the differences. Through that, positive or negative result can be determined. Net Present Value is one of the methods that we choose to calculate the discounted payback method of this system. We assume that the discounted rate