Positive Organizational Scholarship
Autor: Tim • November 5, 2018 • 3,086 Words (13 Pages) • 669 Views
Callings has a unique multifaceted relationship between employees and their work. It has strong potential in shaping the human behaviors at workplace. Traditionally, it is defined as “a meaningful beckoning toward activities that are morally, socially, and personally significant” (Wrzesniewski, Dekas, & Rosso, 2009). A review on calling by Amy Wrzesniewski in 2012 has looked that higher
levels of satisfaction, intrinsic motivation passion, enjoyment of their work, identification and engagement is strongly predicted by calling. As a window onto the employees’ experience of work, calling is significantly important in field of POS, because scholars have suggested calling as most positive and procreative indicator of the connection between individual and their work.
Work Engagement
Work engagement is defined as “the state of bringing one’s full self to work (Rothbard, 2001). Engagement is very important for various applied efforts to progress workers’ psychosomatic experiences at work. In a review conducted by Rothbard and Patil, Work engagement is suggested as an significant variable to the POS field because it is prime to various positive behavioral outcomes like extra-role and in-role performance, proactivity, client satisfaction, creativity and adaptivity.
Positive Identity Construction
Dutton in 2010 give the four-part typology of positive identity which are virtue, evaluative, developmental, and structural, each is suggested as different source of positivity at workplace. In a recent review of Roberts and Creary (2012), Positive identity is suggested as reason to construct set of viewpoints to assist in mutual growth, shared empowerment and enhancement co-occur as an individual view him/herself as more worthy, virtuous, evolving, balanced, adapting, and coherent.
Proactivity refers to “Being proactive involves self-initiated efforts to bring about change in the work environment and/or oneself to achieve a different future” (Grant & Ashford, 2008; Parker, Bindl, & Strauss, 2010). A meta-analysis informed that proactive individuals reported higher job performance and career success. Another review has also suggested similarly identified positive outcomes of proactive behavior. Wu and Parker (2012) stated that proactive behavior action can bring a positive change/difference for both organizations and individuals, there fore further need to be studied under POS field.
Innovation and Creativity
The production of novelty and usefulness is the result of trademark of these innovation and creativity outcome in extensive capacities for upcoming action as they recombine the old sources or engender new ones to find their new applications. Latest research on innovation and creativity is focusing on the organizational procedures that undergird innovation like positive processes and states. Creativity is defined “as the process of engagement in creative acts.” Employees’ engagement (Kahn, 1990), intrinsic motivation (Amabile et al., 2005) and flow (Quinn, 2005) and are predictor of creativity. Furthermore, it is facilitated by social networks and relationships of employees (Perry-Smith, 2006) and result in various positive outcomes. Innovation and creativity is closely linked to POS. As per the POS researchers, “At its core, positive organizational scholarship investigates ‘positive deviance,’ or the ways in which organizations and their members flourish and prosper in extraordinary ways” (Cameron, Dutton, & Quinn, 2003) and creativity is also a positive deviance. It speaks to Deviance because by producing methods for improving, and doing things another way, Creativity goes amiss from business as usual. It is additionally Positive—if utilized fittingly, Creativity may likewise be the key driver for Positive advance, eventually prompting to fruitful organizations, satisfied representatives, financial flourishing, and social improvement. Inventiveness is likewise phenomenal, because it speaks to strange and special commitments.
Virtuousness speaks to the best of the human condition or the most elevated goals people hold for themselves. Virtuousness is regularly show in aggregate presentations of good greatness or morals in organizations. It implies a center idea in POS, and the authenticity and validity of POS is at any rate incompletely subject to whether Virtuousness exists in associations and whether it has even minded esteem. Organizational virtuousness imprisonments the outline of organizational features or enablers linked with the virtuous activities of organizational followers (Cameron, 2003, Cameron, Bright & Caza, 2004). Cameron, Bright & Caza (2004) suggest that organizational virtuousness is positively related with company’s performance and employees’ reports higher levels of integrity, optimism, and trust in their organizations. Cameron and Lavine (2006) also represent how positively deviant performance caused by extensive leadership of organizations that functioned to achieve the maximum potential of individuals.
Forgiveness is a significant multilevel concept that defines how individuals deal with human-initiated problems. It is a fundamental virtue, or human strength, as it performs as a key instrument for preventing or escaping dysfunctional cycles of communication in the humanoid experiences. Bright and Exline in 2012 highlight the importance of forgiveness in field of positive organizational scholarships (POS).
Humility is the foundation of all the other virtues: hence, in the soul in which this
virtue does not exist there cannot be any other virtue except in mere appearance.
—St. Augustine
Sense shines with a double luster when it is set in humility. An able yet humble
man is a jewel worth a kingdom.
—William Penn
Humility is defined as “accurate assessment of one’s abilities and achievements” and the “ability to
acknowledge one’s mistakes, imperfections, gaps in knowledge, and limitations” (Tangney, 2002) Increasingly dynamic and uncertain workplace environments make humility significantly relevant as well as requisite for victory in today’s organizational world