Movie Review - the Devil Wears Prada
Autor: goude2017 • February 28, 2018 • 4,009 Words (17 Pages) • 3,458 Views
The fourth problem is perception. Perception means “A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment”, ("ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR PART1", n.d). This means perception is where people interpret what they see around them. In this movie the perception among the employee especially the boss about what Andreas’ is wearing where she is not smart for the job. The second problem is perception of Andrea to her boss that the boss hired her because of she can do the job only and she will not change her style. However, due to the lack of knowledge in fashion where she just smiles during the presentation about the color of the belt she’s been criticized with what she’s wearing. Because of perception involves of deciding which information to notice and how to categorize that information and interpret it to give knowledge also shape the opinions, decision to action. This means we have to know what information we received through the perception we get because when we false perception we cannot decide what action we should act. In this movie at the end to impress her boss, she changed her style and learned in fashion.
3.0 Issues and Problems Related To OB Chapters
Explain how the issues/problems identified revealed in the movie.
(30 Marks)
Based on the movie that we choose entitle The Devil Wear Prada, we have seen many scene from the movie that related to organization behavior that shows the issues and problems on that organization. Where based on the movie we had underlined several issues that related on organization behavior, which are stress, conflict and negotiation, stereotyping and motivation. The issues will be describing clearly below, to understand the issues happen on the organization in the movies.
There are issues in The Devil Wears Prada that relates to the chapters in organizational behavior. The chapter that is related to organizational behavior chapter is Work Related Stress and Stress Management. Stress refers to the adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to the person’s well-being. In The Devil Wears Prada, Andrea Sachs who is the newly hired worker in Runway organization having difficulties and stress in her workplace. In organizational behavior, stressors are the causes of stress where any environmental condition that places a physical or emotional demand on the person. There are causes of stress that Andrea has been experienced in this movie.
Firstly, is the interpersonal stressor where Andrea’s employer, Miranda Priestly is a bad boss to the organization? Miranda is described as the boss from hell. This is where the Runway organization staff and other fashion world have the feeling of fear towards Miranda’s strict, merciless and heartless, (Goff, 2009). Secondly, there is also workplace bullying or workplace incivility. This refers to the offensive, intimidating or humiliating behavior that degrades ridicules or insults. Besides, this also means when higher authority people tend to bully employees in lower positions. In this movie, Emily Charlton tries to tolerate with Miranda’s insults and rudeness because she wants to be chosen to go to Paris for Fall Fashion Week. However, she had mistreated Andrea.
Other stressors in the movie are the role-related stressor. In this movie, Andrea have role ambiguity where she having the difficulties of uncertain task and social expectation. Miranda always has different demand which is out from the working tasks. For instance, Andrea has to get Miranda copies of the new Harry Potter book. Sometimes, Andrea has no idea and unsure what to do with the tasks given. Moreover, Andrea also have work overload that needs her to work besides working hours where she needs to work for Miranda 24 hours and 7 days which nearly impossible task to be completed, (Goff, 2009). Apart from that, the other work-non work stressors that faced by Andrea is when she had relationship problems with her parents, boyfriend and best friend.
Another chapter that relates to the issues in the movie The Devil Wears Prada is Conflict and Negotiation in the Workplace. Conflict can be defined as the process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party. According to Perrine (1988), conflict is “a clash of actions, ideas, desires, or wills”. In the movie, the conflict bonds the main characters to the other where the character will take any action, decision and response to overcome it. The long working hours has made Andrea to have conflicts with the people close to her. For example, she had fight with her boyfriend which makes them to breakup, (Koban, 2011) . Besides, her best friend, Lily also gets mad with her because they were not close anymore since she works in Runway organization. Other than that, she also has conflict with her family when she did not come to her sister baby birth.
However, due to the thoughts that the work is important to her, she did not quit her job. There are two types of conflict which is constructive conflict and relationship conflict. The Devil Wears Prada had highlighted the relationship conflict as Andrea had a lot of conflicts with people around her. The sources of conflict are where there is a differentiation between the characters. For instance, Andrea had totally different values with her boyfriend, best friend and family. Besides that, all the characters in the movie have incompatible goals such Emily wants to go to Paris for the Fashion week where she had tolerance with Miranda’s rudeness while Andrea wants to be successful in her dreamed job, (Koban, 2011) .
Third chapter that related to this movie is Perception and Learning organization in the subtopic of Stereotyping. Stereotyping is a process of assigning traits to people based on their membership in a social category, (Danna, K., & Griffin, R. W., 1999). For example in Runway Magazine they hired people according to their appearance. This is because the company is a fashion core magazine producer. So as a back line of the magazine, they stereotype that only fashion updated group that suitable to work in the company. There are many problems occurs with the people stereotyping that we learn in Organizational Behavior subject are inaccuracies in describing people in a social category, discrimination, overestimate or underestimate and prejudice. In this story they are really discriminate and underestimate ordinary people who are not fashionable. We take an example of Emily the first assistant