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School Success Is Defined by Its Students or Pupil's Achievement

Autor:   •  January 29, 2018  •  2,657 Words (11 Pages)  •  878 Views

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Academic performance is seen as the knowledge attained or skills shown in the school subject and that is indicated through the achievements, test scores or marks signed by teachers and that helps the school to evaluate its performance and that of learners. Agulan (2000) asserts that performance is in two forms and that’s positive and negative performance and in simple terms negatives means falling below an expected standards.

Conflict can also be defined as lack of peace in an environment, conflict in a family therefore refer to a situation where by the smooth interaction and relation among members of the family is disrupted due to one thing or the other. Conflict in families can be as the result of many things that includes lack of respect, trust, Lack of dialogue and others things. This comes in form of fighting, quarreling, spouse battering, child abuse and child molestation and this can cause an environment to become a friendly. Walker (1999) states that when one form of violence was in a family other forms were more likely to occur and that violence in a family has direct relationship to the community violence and other forms of aggression .

Murphy and o’farrelkl (1994) assets that parents or guardian play a central role in shaping the child development through their families. Thus if parents keeps on having conflicts in their homes children are bound to be affected as they grow up. Children also learn through imitation. If a child grows up in a family where violence is a common thing, they may end up doing the same in their families, unless intervention are done.

Children in one parents families may have more household task and responsibilities adding to their stress level than children from both parents ( Hargreaves 1991) and this brings about children been involved in certain types of delinquency other than other pupils. Past studies have shown that children and adolescent who are exposed to high level parental conflicts and harsh treatment had more problems in life. Adolescents of divorced families are report less parental support and monitor which strongly influence their perception.

Divorce generally lead to severe decline in the standards of living and this decline can lead to putting children at high risk of developments aspects of life as (smith 1999) puts it adolescent from single parents are more involved in delinquency behaviors which result in deterioration in the relationship with their parents.( Abdulgani 1997) also adds that research has shown that pupils from differ in various ways as a result of variable of their home background like the social economic status, parents or guardians attitude towards their children and the children realign practice. These homes background variable are also found to be in keen their behaviors.

Homes in where there is happy and supportive relationship with the one other, their also likely to sensitively respond to children needs (Eril and Burman, 1995). Parents in dysfunctional homes are likely to be stressed and distracted by conflicts with their spouse and they cannot afford to invest their time and energy in their children and in the long run it worsens the parenting style. Parents in stressful homes are less likely to have close relationship with their children, whereas [parents who are satisfied with their homes are more likely to have quality relationship with their offspring (Acock and Dumo 1999).

A low level conflict with parents are associated with less like hold of having behavioral and emotional problems(Parker and Benson, 2004). Among various aspect of parent child relations, communication is very important in adolescent that’s when as children have to negotiate with new roles in life, they need they parents support and guidance that will help them become successful and unlike those who are always are at conflict with their parent of vice versa may have negative perception on self because they tend to consider themselves as a cause of conflict and blame themselves for the disharmony marital relationship

Whitemarsh 2008 assets that educators are often the first to notice a change in the behaviors of a child when a family is in a transition of breaking up. Children or pupils may display oppositional behaviors or sign of anxiety and depression, according to (smith, 1991) some children are flexible and adopt well to changes , largely due to implementing effective coping strategies, while others may react in the opposite way. Children or pupils may end up losing confidence, blaming themselves for the breaking up of their parents and see the separation or divorce to be complicated.

A child may encounter a range of feelings that includes disbelief, denial, sadness, loss and loneliness. Response these feelings often results into different level of intensity (smith, 1999). Reaction of children to parental divorce may be influenced by remarriage of custodian parent, according to (Zinsmester 1995) remarriage of parents can add rather than subtracting from stress of the child. Divorce makes children unsafe and uncertain of the future or makes children feel that the future is black and they become helpless because they fear something bad could happen.



This chapter describes the research design, and the methods to be employed in the study of the effect of broken homes on the performance of pupils. It will describe the research design, population sampling procedure, instruments to be used during data collection and how data will be analyzed.


Research design is the arrangements of condition for collection and analysis of data in the manner that aims to combines relevance to the research purpose with economic in produce. This research is much qualitative in nature as it will progress it contain some content of quantitative


To come up with the required population the researcher will use simple random sampling method and also the systematic random sampling. For the population of teacher simple random method will be employed that will give each teacher equal opportunity to be part of the sample size. For pupils systematic random method will be used, the researcher will create a list of the school pupil’s population and the predetermined sequence will be followed to acquire the sample size.


The instruments for data collection will be questionnaires and structured interviews in cases were some parents or guardian is happen the illiterate. Questionnaires


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