Discuss About Animal Testing
Autor: goude2017 • September 11, 2018 • 1,323 Words (6 Pages) • 733 Views
In addition, it’s simply unfair that many animals have to sacrifice their lives for human. Like the human, they are also called “living-thing”, and they have right to control their own life. They can feel pains and they can suffer just like human. However, people take advance of their low IQ, exploit them as if they are born to serve human. The statistic shows that around over 100 million animals are poisoned and abused in US labs every year, however, the exact number is still remain unknown, as only a minority number of countries publish the data for the animal research purpose (About Animal Testing, n.d.). According to the Humane Society, in order to create an effective pesticide, more than 50 experiments will need to be conducted and more than 12,000 animals will be used. (11 Facts About Animal Testing, n.d.). Though we all agree that human life is important, that does not mean that we should continue being selfish and sacrifice all other animals’ life just to save ourselves.
Moreover, the results are not always the same when applying on human. 92% of experimental drugs that are effective and good on animals don’t actually work out well with human because they are not safe enough or don’t have any functions at all. (11 Facts About Animal Testing, n.d.). And also, many medicines are proved harmful to animals but work effectively on human. For instance, drugs such as aspirin and paracetamol, which are commonly used to treat pain and fever, are shown to cause birth defect to cats and rabbits; and penicillin would have definitely been forbidden if the effect was exactly same on human as it is toxic to dogs and guinea pigs (Animal Rights Pseudoscience, 2014).
- Conclusion
Overall, animal testing is an on-going issue with both positive and negative sides. The advantages are inexpensive; animals breed quickly; and can test the safety of the new medicine. However, there are some negative aspects of animal testing which are harsh animal treating; over-exploiting animal resources to serve humanity; and the effects on animals may not be the same as on human.
Taking everything into consideration, I believe that people should stop using animal in different experiments. Testing on animals is such an inhumane act which is against animals’ rights and should be strictly punished. As there are currently several activities and volunteer programs conducted in order to reserve animals, the animals used for experiments should also be included in these operations. There is a call for legal intervention from the government to bring out rules against animal testing. And therefore, to reduce and replace those experiments, it is vital for investigators to search for more effective alternative test models if possible.