Audi's Super Bowl Commercial
Autor: Maryam • June 13, 2018 • 1,179 Words (5 Pages) • 749 Views
Prager, throughout his article, is pretty consistent with ethos, pathos, and logos, but what really catches most of the audience that reads his article, is his style. He uses effective words for this type of discussion about women rights, for example, there are many other articles that talk about possibly this certain commercial, however, he tries to be somewhat reasonable when it come to this topic. But, there are one or two sentences of his that could easily be readjusted, yet his article seems to stick on to the basic topic of the commercial. He has a tone of seriousness, due to the fact that the topic he is discussing is quite serious as stated before, he uses certain words such as “worth” and “value” in order to show that the Audi commercial really went south with their political statement. He has certain sentence structure that creates a list, for the reader to go down on all of his thoughts about this commercial, of course, this list is very well thought out. Because it eventually builds to a certain degree, where the reader is not lost and can easily follow his thought process.
Prager uses this authority figure throughout his article and at the last few paragraphs, he then switches from his normal commentary. After a long brigade of showing how that Audi has crossed the line and how politics are leaking into all sorts of areas in the media, he now shows that there is a war that has been going on in culture. Furthermore, he wants people to change this and be a part of this war to stop political agenda being in the media. He finally sums up his article by saying “Don’t buy an Audi. And let them know why.” (Prager para 7). In conclusion, although Prager might have some fallacies within his article, also him being a popular individual, few to none will argue against his arguments, his final paragraph is somewhat reasonable. We, as Americans, should not allow this type of political agenda slip by us, no matter how hard a person tries to avoid it, we should put a line in the sand, demonstrating that we will not be oppressed by such advertisements.
Works Cited:
Prager, Dennis. "Audi: The Car for the Unhappy Woman." Townhall., 07 Feb. 2017. Web. 27 Feb. 2017.