The Cardiovascular System
Autor: Sara17 • February 21, 2019 • 2,998 Words (12 Pages) • 916 Views
Assignment Briefing
Submission Deadline
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- Report for outcomes 1.1-2.2
1st Submission
Eligible for Grading
Tutor signature/date/ comment
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Describe the structure and function of the cardiovascular system.
Explain how the cardiovascular system is specialized and the cells adapted for its role in the human body.
Describe the structure and function of the respiratory system.
Explain how the respiratory system is specialized and the cells adapted for its role in the human body.
Assessment Criteria for Award of Credit
Grading Information for this Assignment:
Grade Descriptors:
- Understanding of the subject
- Application of knowledge
7. Quality
For merit your work should:
GD 1 (a) Demonstrate a very good grasp of the relevant knowledge base. Your work contains few factual errors.
GD 2 (a) (b) (c) Make use of relevant ideas, facts and theories with breadth or depth that goes beyond the minimum required to Pass. Very good levels of consistency and precision. Your work makes very good use of appropriate diagrams which are well supported by descriptions relating structure to function.
GD 7 (c) Demonstrate a very good response to the demands of the assignment, when taken as a whole. Your work is written with clarity, within the word count, and uses technical terminology mostly accurately. Your work shows a good standard of spelling, punctuation and grammar. You have used a variety of sources of information which are referenced in your text.
For distinction you should:
GD 1(a) Demonstrate an excellent grasp of the relevant knowledge base. Your work contains no factual errors.
GD 2 (a) (b) (c) Make use of relevant ideas, facts and theories with breadth and depth. Excellent levels of consistency and precision. Your work makes excellent use of appropriate diagrams which are well supported by descriptions relating structure to function.
GD 7 (c) Demonstrate an excellent level of response to the demands of the assignment, when taken as a whole. Your work is written with clarity, within the word count, and uses technical terminology accurately throughout clearly demonstrating understanding of the terms. Your work shows an excellent standard of spelling, punctuation and grammar throughout. You have used a wide variety of sources of information which are referenced in your text using the Harvard system.
Plagiarism Statement: I declare that the work I am submitting for assessment contains no sections that are copied in whole or in part from any other source, unless it is clearly identified as such correctly using a recognised referencing format. I am aware that plagiarism is a very serious offence.
Learner signature:
Tutor comments and action points for further development:
GD 1a) 1/2 - Report
GD 2 (a, b and c) 1/2 – Report
GD 7 (c) 1/2 – Report
Learner Response:
Please respond reflecting on your learning in the assignment:
• What difficulties have you encountered in preparing for and completing this assignment?
• What aspect of this assignment have you found rewarding and edifying?
• What must you set as a target for any future work or resubmissions, as a result of completing this piece of work?
Learner Signature:
Tutor Signature:
IM signature:
The cardiovascular system is made up of the blood, heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries. This specialised transportation system delivers oxygen, nutrients and metabolic waste products to tissues and cells throughout the body. Tucker (2000) suggests that “pulmonary circulation is the transport of de-oxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs and back again; systemic circulation is the transport of oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the body and back”. This is referred to has double circulation.
The heart, a hollow muscular organ is divided into four chambers. According to Cohen and Taylor (2009) “The upper chambers are the atria, these are mainly blood-receiving chambers. The lower chambers, the ventricles, are the forceful pumps” (p.245). The muscle wall that partitions the left side of the heart from the right is called the septum. The walls of the atria are thinner than those of the ventricles. The left ventricle has a much thicker myocardium than that of the right. This is because the left ventricle is responsible for pumping