Political Science Final
Autor: Jannisthomas • February 15, 2018 • 1,606 Words (7 Pages) • 706 Views
2)elections should be “fair & free”
3)political equality; universal adult suffrage
4)majority decision
• Elements of good modern democracy:
1)multiparty system (=more than one effective party)
2)the free media (= no censorship)
3)freedom of speech and assembly (=people have the right to say their opinion and form their own organizations)
4)protection of human rights and minorities
• non-democratic systems:
1)authoritarian systems (little political competition, power concentrated in few hands), dictatorships,
2) totalitarian systems (tyrannies)-also, military regimes (Myanmar /Burma)
From my point of view, Kazakhstan is presidential republic which has democracy. However, opposition parties can not compete with Nur-Otan. As a result, Kazakhstan needs strong opposition party/parties to improve democratic system.
5. International Relations (IR). What the discipline of IR studies? Name 4 or 5 systemic tools of international relations (explain them very briefly). What are “international organizations” (IOs) and what are their main types? What kind of organization is the United Nations? (Briefly mention its purpose and some main bodies.) What do you know about the U.N. Security Council? Which “regional blocs” do you know? In which IOs is Kazakhstan a member? (3 examples) What issues do you think are very important in international relations and global politics? (Name & briefly explain 4 of them.)
• International Relations (IR) as a discipline: studies international relations = relations between states, groups of states, and international non-state actors.…
systemic tools of international relations:
• 1. international law = the body of legal standards, procedures, and institutions governing the interaction of sovereign states*
• 2. diplomacy = “management of IR” the practice of communication and negotiation between representatives of states (as based on their foreign policies)
– to some extent, all other tools of international relations can be considered the failure of diplomacy
• 3. sanctions usually used after the failure of diplomacy & one of the main tools used to enforce treaties; they are sort of “punishment”
– they can take the form of diplomatic or economic sanctions and involve the cutting of ties and imposition of barriers /or restrictions to communication or trade
• 4. war or the use of force the ultimate tool of IR [the study of war in IR is covered by the disciplines of War or War & Peace studies and ’Strategic studies‘]
• International organizations (IOs)= an organizations with international membership & scope
• IOs help countries to cooperate and coordinate activities in various areas of common interest and /or global significance. IOs divided by
• 1. non-governmental organizations (NGOs), (especially non-profit, non-state organizations as The Red Cross, Greenpeace, Oxfam, Amnesty International, etc. )*
• 2. intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) (United Nations, European Union, World Trade Organization)
• United Nations (UN) is intergovernmental organizations (IGOs). Its purpose* and structure: almost all countries of the world are members
• The UN has five main bodies – remember these 2:
• General Assembly (the main deliberative (“discussion”) assembly); all member states gather here & discuss important international / global issues
• Security Council (decides certain resolutions for peace & security; 5 permanent members
• “regional blocs”: the EU, the OAU, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement) includes USA, Canada and Mexico), MERCOSUR(include Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela)
• Kazakhstan is a member in IOs(Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), UN, Eurasian Economic Union and etc)
I suppose that these issues (war and peace, globalization, sustainable development (also called “green economy”), terrorism) are significant in international relations and global politics. The first issue is vital, because war provides negative impacts on many countries (huge rate of immigrations, poverty, ecological damages and etc.). The second issue is important, because globalization might makes huge damage on national originality. The third issue is central, because humanity will have great opportunity, if anybody develops system which saves environment and provides economically progress. The final issue is important, because terrorism is well spread and dangerous for innocent people.
6. The End of the Cold War and Its Implications for the World In Which We Live. Try to briefly explain what the Cold War was (optional: what were its main causes) in the international context. Do not forget to mention: a) the main actors and their respective “blocs”; b) which other event(s) the end of the Cold War is associated with; c) what happened to the “Soviet bloc” after the end of the Cold War; d) also, how the map of Europe and Eurasia has changed since the end of the Cold War? (i.e. describe all the major changes).
Cold war is confrontation of two global blocs (the Soviet and Western blocs) (1946—1989) (2 opposed military blocs: NATO vs. Warsaw Pact).
B)After Cold War: Germany united; ethnic conflict & war in some countries - e.g. in former Yugoslavia & some post-Soviet republics; Chechnya; emergence of “frozen conflicts” (e.g. Nagorno-Karabakh); started international programs to decries nuclear weapons; and etc.
c)After the end of the Cold War USSR was divided on 15 countries.
d) After the end of the Cold War, many countries of Eastern Europe(Poland, Latvia, Estonia and etc.) join in EU. Turkey join NATO.