Lowering Drinking Age: Argumentative Essay
Autor: Jannisthomas • November 23, 2017 • 1,676 Words (7 Pages) • 1,306 Views
I am not saying I am for underage drinking but when you turn 18 you are able to: to risk your life and join the military, buy a house, buy tobacco products, vote for the next president, waste all your money on gambling and able to drop out of school. Since you are able to do all this when you turn 18, why can you not drink? If the government is really worried about teens drinking, why don’t they just put all that stuff at 21? Is smoking just not as bad as drinking? Is gambling all your money away just as bad as drinking? I believe that gambling, smoking, drinking, and dropping out is stupid. I also believe that if they want to keep everything like it is, they should change one thing; if a person decides to join the military and fight for their country, then he or she should be able to drink. Also, if the MLDA would be lowered, teens would not drink as much because they would get tired of it and not drink a lot of it at once. The reason they drink a lot right now is because they do not know when they will get it again so they drink as much as they can. Another reason they drink a lot is that it bring a rush of “breaking the law” and they enjoy that.
I do not believe drinking is as bad as people put it but there are some people who do ruin it for us. For example, people who over drink and drive. They are the biggest reason why the government has not even thought about lowering the MLDA to 18. Drinking and driving are really stupid and hurts or kill so many people when it happens. Another reason is because they think that 18-year-olds are not as “mature” as 21-year-olds. Age does not matter to maturity because a 12-year-old could be more mature than a 50-year-old. Anyways they shouldn’t just go by maturity, they should go by if this person has a job, pays taxes, and isn’t too stupid to start driving afterword and an 18-year-old does that. 18-year-old and 21-year-old are not really different. They are still young, have jobs, pay taxes, and should have either an apartment or house.
Should they lower the MLDA? I believe they should, not just because I am close to 18 but because they aren’t really any differences in 18 and 21. Those two ages have the same responsibility. Also when you turn 18 people consider you an adult and are able to join the military, get a tattoo, buy tobacco products, and lease a house. Another reason I believe they should lower it is because I think it would help the economy. It would create more jobs, business, and a help increase the amount of tax made by the purchase of beer and alcohol beverages. There are many new jobs that would open up, for example, security guard, bartender, and brewers. If jobs increase then fewer people on the streets and more working and paying taxes also since the jobs are increasing, then more people will be able to pay off debt and go to college possibly. Finally decreasing the MLDA to 18 would make the thrill of breaking the law for teens. Breaking the law is the best part of it for teens. This is why I think the MLDA should be lowered to 18.
Work Cited
Drinking Age ProCon.org." ProConorg Headlines. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.