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Later Adulthood Development Report

Autor:   •  February 2, 2018  •  1,492 Words (6 Pages)  •  717 Views

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The national council on aging states that Older Americans Act (OAA): The OAA is up for reauthorization, which offers a prime opportunity to strengthen and modernize aging services to ensure that we meet the diverse needs of our growing older population—especially those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged. The OAA funds critical, cost-effective programs that allow seniors to stay healthy and independent in their communities. These include job training and placement (under the Senior Community Service Employment Program - SCSEP), health promotion and disease prevention, senior nutrition programs, senior centers, caregiver support, and more. Action in the Senate is expected soon. Extensions of Medicare Low-Income Protections, "Doc Fix," and Unemployment Insurance: At the end of last year, Congress passed a bill to extend until Feb. 29 several programs that provide key benefits to the most vulnerable older adults. Now lawmakers must pass a long-term extension to continue these programs. They include the Qualified Individual (QI) program, which helps disadvantaged seniors pay their Medicare Part B premiums; Medicare physician payments (the "doc fix"), to prevent serious cuts in payments to doctors under Medicare; and Unemployment Insurance benefits to continue support for individuals struggling to find work. Seniors should also be mindful that some want to cut Medicare or prevention benefits to pay for these and other extensions. Senior Program Funding Cuts: Budget cuts over the past year have significantly affected the most vulnerable older adults, with major reductions in housing, energy, and employment assistance for low-income seniors. The combination of these funding cuts, a rapidly growing senior population, and increased demand for economic assistance means millions of older adults will not get the services they need to make ends meet. Funding for senior programs will continue to be in jeopardy throughout the year. Long-Term Care: As part of the Affordable Care Act, Congress passed a new voluntary, long-term care insurance program called the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Program (CLASS). CLASS would allow individuals to plan for long-term services as they age and remain at home rather than being forced to spend-down their life savings or enter a nursing home. However, implementation of CLASS has been suspended. Some opponents in Congress believe the program should be repealed, but have offered nothing in its place to address the growing problem that millions of families and caregivers struggle with every day. NCOA and a broad range of organizations representing seniors and people with disabilities believe CLASS can be fixed and must not be repealed – at least until a consensus can be developed on a viable alternative.

There are many different changes that individuals go through in older adult hood, it is important that they are taken care of and their needs are met. If your loved one needs care and you can’t provide it for them let us step in and help meet those needs. We have 24-hour trained staff that is here to take quality care of your loved one.



Brubaker, T. (1990). Families in later life: A burgeoning research area. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 52, 959-982.

Moen, P., Erickson, M. A., & Dempster-McClain, D. (1996). Social Roles Identity's Among Older Adults, Retrieved from

Pinquart, M., & Schindler, I. (2007). Changes of life satisfaction in the transition to retirement: A latent- class approach. Psychology and Aging, 22(3), 442-455. Retrieved from

U.S department of health and human services. National institute on aging. Talking with Your Older Patient


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