Enterprise System
Autor: Mikki • November 13, 2018 • 910 Words (4 Pages) • 681 Views
Since the data collected possess serious limitations analysis of data using Statistical techniques would ensure that the inferences made from data would be more accurate. The inductive and deductive coding techniques used provide little insight about the data reducing the confidence with which the research results can be supported
The past literature and existing theories are described in initial pages (p. 2, p.3, p.4 and p.5). The development in theories is not presented in a logical manner and lead to confusion as it is dispersed across the pages. The author’s Theoretical Framework is illustrated in discussion section (p.12). It is advisable to present it before the Data analysis for better understanding of readers. It is a general practice to group the existing theories, theoretical framework, hypothesis and construct definition under the Theoretical Development section.
While defining the Management Success (p.3) the author fails to cite the source from which the definition is taken. Similarly definition of terms like harmonization and standardization has not been clarified. Similarly, while explaining Nah and Delgado (2006) findings (p.5) the author describes seven critical success factors but the author doesn’t mention what the seven factors are? Some other such instances have been found that confuses the readers.
Another serious shortcoming of the research is that nothing is discussed about the validity of measurement. With any evidence to support the validity (content, construct, criterion etc.) the findings of the research cannot be justified.
The research paper aims to address a very important issue in the field of Information systems. The motivation for conducting the research is clearly explained in the paper. The research distinguishes the five concrete frames and confirms the importance of shakedown phase in ES implementation.
However, the data collection and data analysis techniques are prone to errors. The lack of hypothesis and logical sequence in presenting the theories is another drawback. Reliability and validity issues raise serious concerns on the findings of the research.