Word Study on Kingdom
Autor: goude2017 • September 26, 2018 • 1,211 Words (5 Pages) • 688 Views
I have always thought that “Kingdom” in a literal sense just meant the Kingdom of God in locality, it’s just that easy to do as you casually read the Bible. I have done word studies to apply to sermons, but never as intense as I am being exposed to now. It bares the question, “how many other words have I misinterpreted just reading the text?” Just in the Gospel of Mark I seen the application of the word “Kingdom” denote to different aspects of its use. I am so thankful, even at the point of this class and the IBS method (which I still need much practice) has opened up a new and straighter road of understanding the Word of God.
In reference to the above study, it is clear that my approach has been subjective and objective concerning the material involved. The Gospel of Mark really opened my eyes to a broader range of understanding the application of God’s Word, applicable to myself subjectively, and a deeper knowledge objectively. All apply as we look at the historical content, audience, and intent of the word usage of Jesus in Mark as well as any other writing in the Bible. Just the word usage on Kingdom gives a clear indication in its original Greek, that there are several ways to apply the word Kingdom “Basileia.” Blomberg gives a clear representation to this, “Jesus developed the idea of the kingdom as the in-breaking of God into history to realize his redemptive purposes but dissociated his current ministry from the establishment of a politically free Israel. As we have already noted for Jesus the kingdom was a reign more than a realm, a power rather than a place” (Blomberg, (2009). p.448). It was with this statement that drove home the variances of the application of words.
Life Application Study Bible (2007). Grand Rapids, MI: Tyndale House.
Blomberg, C. (2009). Jesus and the Gospels. Nashville, Tennessee: B&H Publishing Group.