What Was Jesus’ Point in the Teaching?
Autor: Joshua • December 2, 2017 • 907 Words (4 Pages) • 892 Views
- Identify at least one claim that Jesus made about His nature and/or the purpose of His ministry (such as in Mark 2:1-12, Matt 9:9-13, Luke 7:18-23, John 5:16-18, John 10:25-38, or John 14:5-11). Underline the passage chosen. What is the significance of this claim?
As many gathered together in a home to hear Jesus’s preaching of the word, a paralytic was brought to him. When Jesus saw the faith of many who were gathered together, Jesus forgave the sins of the paralytic man and was instructed to rise up, pick up his bed, and go home. Although some said that Jesus was blaspheming because He was not God, everybody became amazed after witnessing what Jesus had done to the paralytic. Therefore, the significance of this claim is that Jesus as the Son of God was sent to earth to forgive sins and that through his spirit He can sense those questioning in their hearts (Bible Gateway, 1993).
- How would you personally answer Jesus’ question, “But who do you say that I am?” Describe your own beliefs about Jesus.
To answer Jesus’ question, I would say that Jesus is not only born from Blessed Virgin Mary, but He is God’s Beloved Son who is one person with two natures – a human being (an obedient human servant) and divine (a great moral example). Jesus bore the sins of the world and through his death on the cross; He saves all of humanity from sins. Jesus is the way for all of humanity to live an abundant life here on earth and to receive life in fellowship with God. Before suffering and his death on the cross, Jesus, as the Son of God, continued to do His Father’s work by announcing the good news and by trying to let all of humanity understand the true righteousness of His preaching, teaching, and ministry so that they will be able to believe in the existence of God and would not deny Jesus full humanity and divinity. Therefore, as it was mentioned in John 14:6, Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life...
Bible Gateway. (1993). Online Bible. Retrieved from http://www.biblegateway.com/