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Christianity Study Guide

Autor:   •  October 14, 2017  •  1,013 Words (5 Pages)  •  865 Views

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tongues (earthly languages, her’s was fluent Chinese). Soon, others began to crave these charismatic gifts spoken of by Christ and His Apostles and the Pentecostal church took off!

33. Methodist: John Wesley and his college peers began doing good deeds in England in the mid-1700s. They were known for their “method” of doing things. The first Methodist conference was held in 1744.

34. Presbyterian: Founded after the theological ideas of John Knox. Traces ideas mostly to Scotland and England.

 Know the purpose and explain the festivities of each of the following holidays

35. Mardi Gras: Mardi Gras AKA Fat Tuesday simply means to eat (speaks of food and sinful deeds) as much as you possibly can before the long period of lent. Carnivals and parades are held around the globe commemorating this holiday, of the most popular would be the one held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

36. Lent: This 40 –day period is to prepare one for Easter. Partakers abstain themselves from some substance or thought for 40 days to mimic Christ’s temptation on the mountain for 40 days.

37. Easter: This holiday, or as I like to say, “holy-day” celebrates Christ’s resurrection from the dead, just as He had promised He would do to prove to the world that He was in fact Who He said He was/is.

38. Christmas: This holiday (holy-day), though not theologically during the correct season or on the right day, is celebrated as the day that Jesus was born. The Messiah had come. The angel told the Shepherds, “For unto is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ, The Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes; lying in a manger.”

 3 Cults

• Branch Davidians

- Split from seventh day Adventist Church.

- David Koresh : leader

- Lived on compound together.

- Strange rules: all females (including married women) belonged to Koresh, severe consequences, believed the Holy Spirit was a woman, David Koresh was the only one who was really allowed to the gift of prophecy.

• Peoples Temple

- Formed from Pentecostal movement

- Jim Jones : leader

- Extreme communist and socialist views

- Jones took the place of God and all members of Peoples Temple worshipped and did for him rather than Jesus Christ. All members, including men, were Jim’s. Many had sexual relations with Jim (both homo and hetero sexual), Jim taught that there was no power in the Bible, and that he WAS God.

- Members migrated three times with Jim, finally to Guyana.

- US Congressman was killed while investigating the compound in Guyana, so Jim Jones made everyone drink a grape-flavored poison drink instead of fighting the US. Jim was found dead with a shot to the head.


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