Internet Marketing Study Guide
Autor: Rachel • January 16, 2018 • 1,501 Words (7 Pages) • 812 Views
Brand Awareness
Levels of Brand Awareness:
Recognition – aided – remember hearing or seeing a brand
Recall – unaided – a step up from recognition
High vs. low involvement
Brand Image favorability, strength, uniqueness
Stages of Brand Development:
Awareness → familiarity → positive imagery → completed transaction
Strong brand development includes:
- Interactivity
- Attention and engagement
- Targeted marketing
- Information-driven marketing programs
- Look into your target market and their preferences
- Integrated with offline brand-building
Brand Building Activities
- Excellent product, customer experience
- Target audience – media use, stage in process
- Branding objectives are essential, have clear metrics
- Consistent message
- Compelling creative aspects
- Balance online and offline
- Relevant content, distributed to the audience
- Engage with audience, monitor online buzz
- Grow and evolve brand development efforts
Brand Community
- 20th century – demise of traditional community
- Communities began to form around the consumption of a brand
- Harley’s, Jeeps, etc.
Brand Community specialized community based on structured set of social relations centered around a brand
3 Brand Community Markers:
- Shared Consciousness of kind – intrinsic connection and collective set of difference from those not in the community
- Socialization, communication
- Brand users talk about use of brand
- Computer-mediated environment crucial
- Local chapters message boards & blogs
- Legitimacy crucial
- Oppositional loyalty – must oppose competing brands
- Rituals & Traditions
- Celebrate the history of the brand
- Annual events, knowledge of the history
- Artifacts
- Merchandise – sold or collected
- Moral Responsibility
- NOT feeling like they should bring others in
- New members are taught the proper use of the brand
Video Advertising
- Many types of videos: tutorials and how-to’s, slideshows, product demonstrations, case studies, testimonials, series
- Professional production quality is not essential
- Think of your brand, your product, and your audience/target market!
Elements of Video Marketing Strategy
- Publish
- Compelling stories
- Other customer-related content
- Optimize
- For search and sharing
- Promote
- On your channels
- Other publishers
- Analyze
- Platform metrics
- Metrics suppliers
Chapter 15: Social & Regulatory Issues: Privacy, Security & Intellectual Property
PII Personally Identifiable Information
The Role of Trust in Facilitating Internet Activity
Most important factors of creating trust:
- Quality of product
- Transparency
- Projecting a trustworthy image
- Good treatment of employees
- Businesses must align their mission and operation with the social good
- Current media landscape = skepticism and you must have multiple voices
- Trust = “protective agent” → conveys tangible benefits
- Lack of trust is hard to change
Advantages of Building Trust
- Reduced customer acquisition cost
- Higher profit margins
- Customers are willing to pay a premium to brands/retailers they trust
- Growth
- Long term competitive advantage
Dimensions of Trust
- Security
- Data control
- Personal access
- Benefit
Trust agent person translating an organization to the web, how to be human at a distance