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Autor:   •  April 6, 2018  •  842 Words (4 Pages)  •  788 Views

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Lastly, abortion goes strongly against Christianity. The pro life movement is a movement that is growing in ending abortion clinics. What everyone does not know is the horrific facts of abortions and the horrendous processes they use in killing the child. There are many ways in killing the child through vacuum, pills, knives, or even strangling the baby by the umbilical cord. The reality of abortion is that the methods they use on babies is similar to torture methods. Abortion also leaves a heavy burden on the carrier. Women do not realize before the abortion that the thought of a killing their child will haunt them later down the road. In Genesis 1:26, it states, “Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground”. God was commanding Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply but He also commands us to be fruitful and worship Him. In this case, abortionists are going against what God wants not only for killing His children but because they are not serving Him by killing the fruitful.

Abortion is one more form how a man’s idea can be so twisted and demoralizing to what scripture wants and asks for. We Christians should spread the Word and end the abortions not only for the mental state of the women carrying the child but because God commands us to do so and looks heavily down on the abortionists. I believe the March for Life is a great way to publically make a change but there should be more leadership and marches to raise awareness about the horror that lies inside the abortion clinics.

Word Count: 802

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