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Using Specific Examples, Differentiate Between the Thinking Patterns of a 3-Year-Old Preschooler and a 9-Year-Old Student, According to Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development.

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Graduation Credit Policy

Students must earn a grade of C or better in any course in order for that course to count as credit toward graduation. Courses in which the student earns a D or an F will become part of the student’s transcript and will be included in the student’s GPA, but will not count as credit toward graduation.

Student Identification Policy

All Savannah Technical College students are required to display their official Savannah Technical College ID while on any Savannah Technical College campus location. Students will not be admitted to classes if their Savannah Technical College ID is not easily visible to the instructor.

Savannah Technical College Attendance Policy

Students are expected to be punctual and attend all classes for which they are registered. Attendance requirements vary by program and will be clearly stated on the course syllabus. Course participation includes completing activities such as submitting assignments, taking exams/quizzes, interactive tutorials or computer-assisted instruction. Students enrolled in online courses are expected to participate in the online class by completing assignments, contributing to online discussions, and initiating contact with a faculty member. Logging into the online class does not establish student enrollment and participation in the course.

Students must establish enrollment and course participation each semester before financial aid funds are disbursed. Student attendance will be monitored for the first seven (7) calendar days of each semester. Monitoring attendance beyond the seventh day is at the instructor’s discretion.

No Show Status: Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered. It is the student’s responsibility to drop or withdraw from any course they are not attending. Instructors monitor attendance through the first seven (7) calendar days of each semester. Students who do not establish attendance in at least one class session will be reported as a No Show for the course and if applicable, financial aid will be reduced accordingly.

Unofficial Withdrawal: Students who stop completing assignments, attending class, or participating in online discussions and assignments will be considered unofficially withdrawn. Unofficial withdrawals will be reported to the Registrar by the instructor after the 60% point of the semester. Students are strongly encouraged to follow the Official Withdrawal process below in order to minimize adverse effects to their academic standing.

Official Withdrawal from a Course: Students may withdraw from a course without academic penalty up through the 60% point of the term. After the 60% point, grades of WP or WF will be assigned and may have a negative effect on academic standing, satisfactory academic progress, financial aid, and student account balance. Students who wish to officially withdraw from individual course(s) but remain enrolled in others must initiate the official withdrawal by contacting the instructor directly in writing or by notifying their Academic Advisor. Students are strongly advised to consult with their Academic Advisor and the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing. Withdrawing from a course may have a negative effect on academic standing, satisfactory academic progress, financial aid, and student account balance. The student’s official last date of attendance will be the date the student notified the college official.

Official Withdrawal from the College: Students who wish to officially withdraw from the college during a term must submit a Request to Withdraw form to the Student Affairs Office. The date the form is received by the Student Affairs Office will be considered the student’s official last date of attendance. Withdrawing from all courses may have a negative effect on academic standing, satisfactory academic progress, financial aid, and student account balance. Students are encouraged to consult with their Academic Advisor and Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing from the college.

Excused Absences

Absences for the following reasons will automatically be excused if appropriate documentation is provided to the instructor before the event occurs. Excused absences will not be used as a basis for withdrawing a student from class and will not be considered in determining a student’s work ethics grade.

- Military duty/training.

- Jury summons. Attendance at a legal proceeding in which the student has been charged is NOT INCLUDED.

- Attendance at a school sponsored event (i.e. VICA, GOAL, SIFE competitions)

Employment, child-care issues, child support and custody issues, divorce issues, and juvenile court legal issues not considered to be excused absences.

Financial Aid Considerations

Academic deficiencies or withdrawal from a class may have an adverse effect on financial aid eligibility. It is recommended that every student consult with his/her academic advisor and financial aid representative to determine the effect that a failing grade or withdrawal from class may have on continuing financial aid eligibility.

Drop/Add and Reimbursement Policy

- Students will be allowed to drop/add within the first three business days of the semester with no penalty.

- Students will receive 100% refund of out-of-pocket expenses if they withdraw within the first three business days of the semester. After the third business day, there will be no refund given.

- Students in programs that start at time other than the beginning of the semester will be eligible for 100% refund of out-of-pocket expenses during the first three business days after the start of class.

Work Ethics

To be effective, technical education must include two key elements. First, it must provide training and experiences that approximate, as nearly as possible, the conditions found in the actual work place. Of equal importance, an effective technical education program must identify and develop those personal characteristics often referred to as “good work habits.” These characteristics include regular attendance, punctuality, dependability, initiative, attitude, cooperation, respect, character, appearance, productivity, and teamwork. Studies show that 85 percent of the people who lose their jobs do so because they lack good work habits rather than appropriate job skills. Savannah


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