My Personal Experience of Media in Everyday Life
Autor: Maryam • January 14, 2019 • 954 Words (4 Pages) • 867 Views
she can start her day. Her phone is always in her hand like it’s in the hand of every single person that she encounters on the way from her college to the college of her friends; everyone is doing a different thing, texting in a different language but the thing that they all have in common is that in that not so little device, they have everything and everyone that matters to them. The day passes between a picture and another, she is a girl in a new and amazing town so the pictures are a lot, food, people, places, selfies, all to show to others what is she up to and how great is the new place she leaves in. The day ends always in the same way, after more than 3 hours of Skype with multiple friends and family, she goes to bed and before closing her eyes she gives the last check on her phone, just in case something that is deserving her attention happened is the last 30s. This is an example of my day that is so similar to the one of every other girl my age.
Changing country made me realize that media has also a cultural side, based on where you live the effect it has on you is different since it is shaped on the costumes of the people it’s made for. Something that can be appealing to me would not, in many cases, be appealing to a local here, since we come from two different backgrounds, and the backgrounds are what shapes the stereotypes that media show to us. In fact, the stereotypes that are so criticized are our creation, since are based on what are our desires and our expectations.
In conclusion, I think that phone is now essential since it gives you a continuous connection with others, having an access to media and mainly social media is for younger generations a necessity and not just a luxury that some could get access to. And I can say that now more than ever I see all the positive sides about it since I find myself in a condition where social media and my smartphone is what keeps me connected to home and my friends and I think that is the best thing that media did for us, connect us together even if apart, and keep us connected.