Homeless People and Taking Care of the Homeless
Autor: Rachel • November 10, 2018 • 1,264 Words (6 Pages) • 691 Views
Since some homeless people do not have jobs they began to rob gas stations for food; because some of them did not have enough money for the food they needed. Every since then this has became a problem to were gas stations have big giant cameras in side and the cop cars would hide behind the store just in case they had to arrest them. For example when mother and I went to the gas station I had a bad feeling I told my mother we should go she asked me why I told her something does not feel right. When we left and woke up in the morning a homeless man with a gun robbed the gas station we were at around mid-night. These situations continued rapidity over and over again this caused the community to look down on the homeless people in Jeffersonville. Even high end stores would kick them out because people would complain that they would try to steal expensive things or children for prostitution. For example when I was on my way out of Wal-Mart this homeless woman ran out with food in her hand and a cell phone. The police chased after her my mother pulled me back from the situation seeing that made me feel bad for the homeless people. Because in one year all this stuff happened they went from wanting a warm place to sleep at night, to dying in the cold winter times because there was no room in shelters, to joining gangs and selling their bodies, getting arrested for eating out of trash cans and more homeless people have a bad name when it comes to them living in Jeffersonville, IN but I think I have a resolution to stop all this madness.
The first idea we can do for this is turning the vacant buildings into homeless shelters. The community can also ask for volunteers to come help build it together; and also tutor the young children who need an education. Another thing that would be helpful instead of the fast food restaurants throwing away their food; at the end of the day they could donate it to the homeless shelter. This idea can really impact the community because this will make Jeffersonville what it used to be, instead of now.