Dream Analysis and Interpretation Paper
Autor: Adnan • March 22, 2018 • 1,033 Words (5 Pages) • 744 Views
The third dream was once I didn’t finish my essay, and it would be due tomorrow. After I done other homework, it was almost midnight, and too tired to finish the essay, so I decided to sleep, but I was so worried about my essay, and I dreamed that I was writing my essay on the blanket, I could image my room, the structure of my bed and the distance between me and the desk, I couldn’t figure out why I wrote my essay on the ground not the desk. Then I wake up at five o’ clock without the alarm, I felt I need to do something so I finish my essay in the morning, before I went to school. In Jung’s theory, ‘the dream is an attempt to counterbalance a hypertrophied conscious psychological tendency.’ (Dream Interpretation Features at Jung © Carl Jung Resources, 2015.) It shows dream is a balance to keep the conscious more stable, because I was worry about my essay and kept thinking about that, it is the stimulus that cause my emotion swings and in my subconscious I wants to finish the essay before the end line, then in the dream make me feel I finish my essay but actually not, but it also affect me. That made I woke up early and decided to finish essay.
Barrett, Deirdre, ed.
1996 Trauma and Dreams. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Eudell-Simmons & Hilsenroth, 2007: p 331
Rycroft, Charles. A Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis. London: Penguin Books, 1995, p.41
Greenberg & Pearlman, 1999
Dream Interpretation Features at Jung © Carl Jung Resources, 2015.