Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Case Analysis Paper
Autor: Tim • October 30, 2017 • 2,594 Words (11 Pages) • 1,423 Views
CBT Interventions
There are a vast number of interventions a counselor can use in treatment. Listed here are some (not all) interventions known to specifically to work in CBT treatment.
Setting realistic, attainable and reachable goals and learning how to solve problems.
Learning how to manage stress and anxiety (learning positive coping skills such as relaxation, positive self-talk and journaling).
Identifying often avoided situations and gradually facing feared situations
Identifying and participating in enjoyable activities like hobbies, social activities and exercise Identifying and learning to challenge negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
Keeping track of feelings, thoughts and behaviors (this is where thought logs come in useful) helping to become aware of symptoms and learn to change thoughts and behaviors (Patterson, Michelle, PhD, RPsych.).
The Client’s Role in Therapy
When a client is seeing a CBT counselor it is the client’s responsibility to change. She must begin by first learning to identify her beliefs, thinking processes, and negative behaviors and actions.
Once able to do this, she is then able to discover where the core belief came from and where the change must begin. Ana now understands that the only way to change her core beliefs is through changing her negative thoughts, beliefs, behaviors and actions. The client (in this case is Ana) must be willing to really work and to follow through with any homework or exercises given to her by the counselor. A client who is not open minded and willing to comply and participate 100% will not benefit through the use of CBT.
In this case Ana, the client, must be willing to follow the recommendations of the counselor as well as completing all homework assignments and exercises she is given. Doing the assignments will help her to better adjust and change through the process.
Appropriateness of CBT in Ana’s Case.
CBT is an acceptable approach to help individuals in facing or dealing with and overcoming adversity while still achieving goals. CBT is often an appealing therapy because like in REBT, CBT focuses on the present and helps to teach clients how to evaluate and challenge their non-productive thinking which creates negative and unhealthy emotions that are self-defeating and self-sabotaging to their life. “CBT is commonly used to treat a wide range of disorders including phobias, addictions, depression, and anxiety (British Association, 2005).”
Ultimately, CBT helps individuals to develop a philosophy and approach to living that can increase their effectiveness and satisfaction at work; in living successfully with others; in parenting and educational settings; in making our community and environment healthier; and in enhancing their own emotional health and personal welfare.
In Ana’s case, she needs to focus on her present situation, to manage and deal with her emotional stability, her financial concerns and worry for her husband’s safety - to name just a few.
To do this through CBT, she will learn techniques that will assist her in changing her negative thoughts and behaviors replacing them with newly learned, more appropriate and acceptable methods for a positive outcome such as using the ABC-TIDE model. According to NIMH (n.d.), many studies have shown CBT to be very effective in treatment of depression especially in low to moderate depression, and anxiety. Two of the issues which Ana is trying to manage in her life.
As was said by Mulhauser, (20 Dec. 2014) in regards to REBT but applies equally to CBT as well, “Clients will also need to be able to work collaboratively with a counsellor who will challenge and dispute with them directly, and a scientific and at least somewhat logical outlook would seem a pre-requisite.”
Additional Information
In the case with Ana, it would be beneficial to know more about her background. Knowing of any pre-existing issues such as depression prior to this most recent event, any medical or mental health conditions? Has there been any previous struggles such as with addictions i.e. alcohol, drugs, smoking or sex? Having the additional background history will help to better evaluate Ana for what approach is in fact best for her treatment. Other things to note would be such as does she feel safe in her home? Does she feel like hurting herself or others? If yes - how? If needed am I able to recommend or qualified do an evaluation for the possible need of immediate action or a potential hospitalization? The most important thing is to ensure the safety and well-being of Ana. To do this one would require more information. The basic information can be gathered at the initial evaluation and as services continue additional information can be gathered as needed. Before any other services should be rendered as the counselor I must first make sure that Ana is in fact ready to really work and to fully comply with any treatment recommendations or requirements. If she agrees then counseling can proceed.
Risks in Using This Approach
Although Ana seems a prime candidate for counseling with CBT, by committing to the first eight sessions, it may be difficult to get her to the fully functioning and stable person she was prior to the recent events in her life. If treatment is not long enough, her stabilization as a functioning adult could be damaged and potentially it may cause a regression in her treatment.
Therefore ANA needs to be willing to do additional sessions if the therapist deems it necessary.
Because CBT is usually a short-term treatment option, it is often more affordable than some other types of therapy. CBT is also empirically supported and has been shown to effectively help patients overcome a wide variety of maladaptive behaviors (et al, 2005).
There is a possibility that additional sessions may be needed, if Ana is not willing to commit to additional sessions of treatment then this theory may not be the best option for her care, Ana must be open-minded to treatment. For as was stated previously. Furthermore: “Cognitive behavior[u]ral therapy plus clinical management reduces the short term but not the long term risk of relapse compared with clinical management alone, in people with residual symptoms of depression (Paykel ES, Scott J, Cornwall PL, Sept. 26, 2015)."
It is of epic importance that Ana be fully