Transparent: What Is There to Live For?
Autor: Mikki • January 24, 2018 • 890 Words (4 Pages) • 660 Views
Recently: stock of mind, or spirit continues to fall
Economy is about the pursuit of short term gain
Supported by the misguided media
Advertisements want the masses attention – causing humans to no longer be capable of living
Mental Illness rate is at an all time high
Under these symptoms = consumer capitalism
Causes misery to those it claims to liberate
Stunted individuation because of the need for instant gratification paired with an addiction to screen based technology = disindividuation 27
Transitional objects
Past: Infant transition from womb, breast, and social world 21
Individuation of each generation is correctly tended by their seniors
Now: Audiovisual devices are the simulacra par excellence
Children now have impeded development 69
Adult watch over children in a regressive state
Problem: when a psychopathology becomes a generalized pathology and entire societies are based around short-term gains off set against long-term losses (p.69).
A sociopathology of a globalized economic model where a nation is not only at the mercy of other markets, but cannot even control what happens within its own borders.
New Stage of proletarianization
Not only is labor exploited, but rather an exploitation of the human spirit
Pharmacology of the spirit
Pharmakon (cure and poison) = the technical object that we open ourselves to new futures
A transitional space which is both ambivalent and paradoxical
Maternal expectation that the object (blanket) creating the space becomes addictive the individual infant
Object becomes invested with meaning (blanket)
Or Object becomes a regressive exchange (IPad=babysitter)
Creates the spirit (make us human)
If form, function, and content are deindividuated what happens to contemporary society?
Debt --- Weberian spirit of capitalism becomes corrupted through disindividuation, leading to confusion at a global level at how to frame the fallout of the economic crisis
- Rationalization to rationing pg. 20
- We don’t want pay TV b/c it doesn’t satisfy (everyone has it)
- We need debt TV (we then have something not everyone can afford)
Sociopathy of the affected ADHD society (82-83)
Since we have never been able to properly take care of one another, we have never been human
Instead of becoming machines we moved only slightly away from the id and instinct of animals
If we are the biological ancestor to humanity, then the problems we are faced are symptomatic of the mother and child following labor (we are jointly creating a transitional space and the objects that fill them)
If this isn’t the end of history then Stiegler has quite the positive aspect
The toxic shocks of nature/society/economy are labor pains
Mother introduces her child to new opportunities and challenges
Always a voice of support coaxing and joining together stating to take care, because life is worth living