Is Violence a Cultural Universal?
Autor: Rachel • February 19, 2019 • 1,468 Words (6 Pages) • 792 Views
However we can also state that it is exactly violence that shows our differences, and these differences are the root cause of violence. Therefor violence is a double edged blade, we can say that it connects us but at the same time it spreads us further apart. There is however a counter argument to violence distancing our human race from each other, we can say that even though we have wars battles and conflicts, at the same time this causes us to build connections with others, if the opposition is a large group that is obviously an advantage, then it is obvious that the victim will call for help from other neighboring countries or something of the sort, this sort of connection is also quite useful, since if one is being aided by another in a time of need, then it is right to assume that the aided will give aid when needed to their saviour.
In Truth, violence is a common trait that all human beings share, it is a sort of influence “ follows: "Violence is present when human beings are being influenced so that their actual somatic and mental realizations are below their potential realizations” (Galtong P.168) To get a better understanding of these words, we can simplify it to the point that violence is whatever that worsens the condition of human beings, in comparison to the condition that could be achieved. This is quite a common trait since it does not exactly speak of a specific case or a specific group of people, instead this statement covers all of humanity as it is. This paper has discussed cultural universals, Violence, and whether violence is a cultural universal seeing as though it connects us through various ways, it would be right to assume that violence does in fact count as a cultural universal.
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