Organizational Behavior and Structure of the Roman Empire in Gladiator
Autor: Sara17 • February 26, 2018 • 4,862 Words (20 Pages) • 931 Views
Despite the differences in social classes, people in the Roman Empire had the possibilities of climbing the social order. One of the main ways was through business or the military. It comes to no surprise the political complexity that is Roman society. Much of the politics attributed to pressure from meeting demands of the people, low trust in the empire, greed, and selfish spending of the treasury. All these factors are reasons certain characters act the way they do in Gladiator.
It is important to understand the Roman social structure because it explains why they were so fascinated with the gladiatorial games. Simply put, slaveholders forced gladiator in the arenas to fight to the death. So why did Romans enjoy such spectacles of death? The Roman Empire was very efficient at killing and conquering people; this also explains why the military was so effective on intense fighting combat (Kyle 1998). The culture raised itself fighting and conquering peoples. However, due to the vast expansion, pressures from society, and social prestige, killing went from a necessity to a spectacle of awe and might. This sent a clear message to non-Romans about how little their lives meant.
However, it is important to understand the significance of the gladiatorial games. The arena became a place to be seen and to see the violence. The senators, the social elites, everyday citizens, and even the emperor made a presence. The arena created a huge dependence for the people. It was through these games emperors held a tight control over population. Rome clearly had elements of strong culture whose values were widely shared and intensely held. Even the coliseum had different seating levels based on their social status, most prominent citizens with the best seats. The arena, in essence, became a central gathering point for the social hierarchy to relish in death and control.
Human being are complicated creatures; they can be unpredictable to the untrained eye. However, there are many identifiable personality types to analyze and study, but it is also important to understand what personality is. Personalities are different ways individuals react to and interact with others. It is almost like an invisible coat people wear that allows them to socialize in life. Thanks to modern research, there are several categories to identify personality. There are several tests and models used for research. This paper will focus on The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and The Dark Triad.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a personality test that has four major characteristics. It is one of the most widely known personality tests around the world. Based on the answers given by participants, the categories are extraverted versus introverted, sensing versus intuitive, thinking versus feeling, and judging versus perceiving. The test does not measure job performance but rather as a guide for self-awareness and predicting human behavior. In this paper, this test will figure out the different characteristics of each character based on their performance in the movie.
To begin, there should be an understanding in the differences between extroversion and introversion. Marcus Aurelius’s stoic but stern appearance in Gladiator gives him a more introverted personality. According to historical research, Marcus Aurelius followed the Stoic philosophy and they were spiritually introverted (Pietka 2003). In the end of his life Marcus channeled quiet, pace, and questioned what the price of glory meant for Rome. Marcus was also a very intuitive emperor. He managed to lead Rome to greatness and he clearly saw the big picture. While he does manage a disciplined and strict military, he was charismatic and brought many changes to the social order. However, personal feelings aside, Marcus was a more thinking leader. He did not act out emotion and feeling. Instead he used reason and logic, this is especially noted when he chose Maximus rather than Commodus to lead Rome. Marcus’ greatest weakness was his judging characteristic. In the movie, his need to control and order every little detail ended up costing him his life. This trait failed him to identify the danger Commodus posed upon hearing he would not be the new emperor.
General Maximus is another character whose persona is highly introverted. While his leadership style remained extremely effective, he tends to keep to himself and disclose little emotion to others. He relishes in solitude, after his family’s death, but he wishes to be in his home tending to his farm. Maximus is the more sensing type. He is practical and prefers routine and order. He does not seek riches or glory he is a true Roman who seeks only to serve his empire. The big picture really does not affect him, which is what truly makes him the perfect leader. Opposite of Marcus, Maximus is also the feeling type who relies on personal values and emotions. Maximus’ emotions are what led to his near-execution and the death of his family. He always places his values dear in his heart, especially when he prays to his family. While as a general Maximus was more judging, his transition to gladiator led him to change to be a more perceiving type. He was spontaneous with the crowd and even defying the emperor Commodus himself.
Commodus is on the opposite end of Maximus and Marcus Aurelius. Commodus is a more extroverted character. He lived a lavish lifestyle and celebrated expensive games in honor of a murdered father. He had a dangerously sensing type to his character. He paid attention to minute details and used his spies and Praetorian Guards to control the order. However, Commodus acted too much on his feelings. He murdered his father, executed enemies, and blinded himself to the needs of his people. It did not help that he was also a perceiving type, someone who is flexible and spontaneous. His spontaneity is what makes him dangerous. For instance, stabbing Maximus right before challenging him to a gladiatorial fight. The traits on their own are not negative, but Commodus’ involvement in negative social traits corrupts them to his ill will.
Lucilla is perhaps one of the best and underrated characters of the movie. Aside from her presence in the movie, historically she was also a fierce and strong woman, despite being in a masculine-run society. She is a mix between extraverted and introverted. However, her introversion is more of a front for her protection. Her true character is evident towards the end of the movie after Maximus dies. She is highly assertive of getting things done and she is sociable to make alliances in the Senate. She is quiet in fear of Commodus and his wrath. She is also a