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Comprehensive Assignment on the Organizational Behavior

Autor:   •  February 9, 2018  •  3,063 Words (13 Pages)  •  788 Views

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In case study 3.1, vice president took the decision to reward the Rochelle Beauport on the basis of her exceptional performance based on his own views, intuition, recognition of possibilities and experiences. He decided to promote her to market research coordinator, a technical support position. He was very much confident on his decision and felt that this position gave the Rochelle better promising career with the Hy Diaries ignoring her area of interest and without knowing the reason of leaving her previous job. This led to the bad decision making.

If he took the opinion from his employees, and managers, a better decision could be made. When a group of people are involved in the decision making, various different ideas are developed and better decision will be made.

3. Reward: Reward is defined as the strategies, policies and processes needed to evaluate the value of employees and their contribution in getting the organization’s goals. Armstrong (2010).

It is defined as the process of formulating and implementation of strategies and policies that makes reward fair, equitable and constant according to their value towards the organization. Armstrong and Murlis (2004).

Rewards also include the design, implementation and its maintenance of reward processes that are regulated towards the improvement of the organizational performance.

There are two kinds of rewards:

1. Intrinsic rewards: It is directed by the personal interest or enjoys his work or loves his profession. According to Frederick Herzberg, Intrinsic rewards are much more powerful than the extrinsic rewards towards employee motivation i.e. financial awards or promotion is not enough to motivate some employees. For example, sales person might want to meet the sales target to get the bonus. If the sales person feels like a sense of accomplishment as getting the target is the more powerful and better way of motivation.

2. Extrinsic rewards: It is given by the manager to their employees on achievement of goal. It is mainly financial in nature like salary increment, bonus etc. Extrinsic awards may also include promotion, better office, recognition and awards etc.

In case study 3.1, the vice president impressed with the sales figure of the Hy’s Gourmet Ice cream brand and decided to give reward to the Rochelle Beauport for her exceptional performance. Here, he talked very briefly about the sales figure with the Rochelle. That means he did not give more priority to the intrinsic rewards. He gave the extrinsic reward to the Rochelle in the form of promotion as a marketing research coordinator without knowing her area of interest. Here the extrinsic reward is affected by the individual decision making that made Rochelle felt that she had been sidelined from the opportunity to reach to the top management in the Hy Diaries. If the vice president should have asked about her interest and what she wanted next to do i.e. future planning, a better decision could be made by him.

4. Perception: According to Joseph Reitz, Perception is defined as the process, in which an individual receives information about his environment by seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling. Therefore, perception is influenced by the perceiver, environment and the event perceived. Different persons can receive the same information in various ways based on their educational background, past experiences, current feelings, socioeconomic status and cultural background. The other factors that influence the perception are gender, race, profession, age etc. Managers must good at understanding how his decision is perceived by the employees and the other managers in the organization for the better productivity of the organization.

For example, last year earthquake went in Nepal that highly affects the mid western region. So, the people of Midwestern felt unsafe and planning to shift towards the plain areas of Kathmandu. This results in the increase in the Home prices in Kathmandu. The real estate business executives should identify this kind of perception of people in advance for better profit.

In case study 3.1, the vice president had perception that the Rochelle should be rewarded by some higher position in the Hy Diaries for the better promising career. Although, Rochelle wanted her promotion at the position where she associated directly to the company’s profitability, i.e. front door job and wanted to develop her career in the top management of the Hy Diaries. Here, Rochelle had interpreted his perception of rewarding as she had been sidelined from reaching to the top management as she was woman and woman of color, i.e. racial practice of the vice president.

5. Job Satisfaction: According to the Armstrong, It is defined as the positive attitudes and feelings towards the job is job satisfaction. Negative attitudes and feelings towards the job is the job dissatisfaction. If the employee of an organization gets the reward in the form of intrinsic and extrinsic both and satisfies with the reward then this results in the better productivity of the employees and organization.

If employees of an organization satisfy with their job, they love their profession. They work with positive attitude and give 100 percent in work results in the success of the organization.

Manager should be able to motivate employees to increase the job satisfaction. According to the

Hackman & Oldham, redesigning of work, work enrichment, autonomy in work and feedback increases job satisfaction at work place.

According to the Morley & Heraty, Rodwell et al, restructure in work in teams leads to the better performance and the job satisfaction.

According to Ross, increased in autonomy of employee’s increases the self-fulfillment leads to the better job satisfaction.

According to Griffin & et al, in team work, the support of the supervisor to its coworkers results in the better job satisfaction.

For example, a sales person is very much satisfied with his job, he can reach the any kind of target set by the executive because he enjoys his work and loves his profession. So, an executive manager should be able to motivate his employees by identifying their needs and requirement, and by providing the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.

In case study 3.1, The Rochelle Beauport was satisfied with her job assistant brand manager, she gave 100 percent to the work, results in the better productivity and exceptional performance in the sales of the Gourmet Ice cream. If the vice


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