Bbdm1063 Organizational Behavior
Autor: Adnan • November 3, 2017 • 5,467 Words (22 Pages) • 843 Views
2. Agreeableness
Besides that, Malala also shows a high level of agreeableness by having the characteristics of altruism and sympathy. Agreeableness is described as the concern for social harmony. A person with high agreeableness is friendly, considerate, helpful and better liked by others. Individual who scores high in agreeableness also value the relationships with others (Psychometric Success 2013). Malala had put her own life in risk just to let other girls have the opportunity to study, as she trust that education changes one’s life and brings opportunity (Tasnim 2013). In her speech to the UN General Assembly, she had state that she is speaking out not in terms of personal revenge against the Taliban or other terrorist yet she is there speaking for the right of education for every child. She is speaking on behalf of those who are going through poverty, injustice, racism and also deprivation of basic rights (The Independent 2015). Malala Yousafzai (2013) contend that when she witnessed children walking through the desert without shoes and children doing child labour by carrying heavy stones just to feed their families, she broke down and cried witnessing their suffering and also felt such pain in her heart. Thus, she had launched the Malala Fund which supports the empowerment and education of girls in Pakistan and also all others around the world. The Malala Fund had also ensured and supported 40 girls to be able to gain education from school and prevented them from engaging in the domestic labour and entering the workforce. She also strives to increase the number of 40 girls having education into 40 million girls (Vital Voices n.d.).
3. Conscientiousness
According to Robbins and Judge (2011, p.172), conscientiousness is a measure of reliability. A conscientiousness person is dependable, organized, responsible and persistent. Through persistence and purposeful planning, a high conscientiousness person achieves success and their goals. Malala shows a high level of conscientiousness by organizing the ways to change the lives and the future of the children and girls who lived in Pakistan. What she did first was by blogging for the BBC’s Urdu site letting others know what was happening in her country and the life under the Taliban. She also used media to spread her voice and message by regularly being interview by TV shows and also featured on documentary of the New York Times (Tasnim 2013). Besides, she also shows persistence and determination to not allow her fear or the Taliban from preventing her from getting education to succeed her dreams and ambition to become a doctor that she wrote on the BBC’s Urdu site (Clinton 2013). Malala’s efforts towards striving for peace, equality and rights to gain education are perhaps a threat to the Taliban regime. In October 2012, a Taliban gunman shot Malala in the left side of her forehead and also injured two of her school friends as well, leaving her spending months in rehabilitation. This incident did not stop Malala from pursuing her aims and goals yet making her grew stronger as she knew that millions of kids are still counting on her. Despite the nearly fatal setback and also enduring much mental and physical strain, Malala did not give up and become fearless and it was a turning point for Malala’s life (Tasnim 2013).
4. Emotional stability
According to Robbins and Judge (2011, p.172), emotional stability is referred as a person’s ability to withstand stress and how much one can accept and face obstacles. People who have positive emotional stability are calm, secure, self-confident and also less emotionally effective. While people who are neuroticism tend to be depressed, anxious, nervous and insecure. In this case, Malala scores high in emotional stability. Despite receiving death threats and being shot by the Taliban, yet Malala is not afraid or scared of the Taliban at all and she bravely and calmly overcomes those obstacles. She noted that nothing had changed in her life except weakness, hopelessness and fear died whereas strength, courage and power was born and grew stronger (The Independent 2013). She claims that she might be afraid of ghost or perhaps dragons but not Taliban. She state that killing someone shows that one is afraid of that person, so why would she be afraid of someone who is already afraid of her already (Wysocki 2013). The determination and fearlessness in her had made her succeed and won numerous awards such as Nobel Peace Prize and many more.
5. Openness to experience
Lastly, openness to experience is described as a person willingness to consider opportunities and new ideas. People who score high in openness are people who are imaginative, creative, adventurous and liberalism. Whereas a person who scores low in openness is those who find comfort in the familiar and conventional (Robbins and Judge 2011, p.172). Despite living in a conventional and conservative country which are ruled by religious extremist and women rights are discriminated, yet Malala was brave and had challenged over the authority and the regulations set by the Taliban. She is a liberalism person who has bravely stood up and strived for human rights, education and also for a world with justice. She is also a person who has high awareness of her own emotion and feelings. Since the day she was born, people commiserated with her mother and no one congratulated her father as the status of women is discriminated in her country just simply because she was born as a female. She is aware that the only way to change the situation is to obtain education as education is the power that will change their status and life in a country which women rights are discriminated (La Rosa 2013). Since then she had frequently spoke publicity on issues in supporting the educations for girls and had also raise up the Malala Fund to empower girls through education.
Other considerations
In the case of Malala, personality does play a huge role in contributing to her success. She scores high in all the big five personality and making her become one of the 25 most influential teens in the year 2014 (Time Staff 2014). Since young Malala had gone through lots of obstacles and setbacks such as being unfairly treated, threaten by the Taliban, forced to evacuate due to war and witnessing dead bodies and city being destroyed. As a teen at such young age, without the strong personalities she had within her, one would have been having a hard time in overcoming such obstacles. Because of Malala’s boldness, fearlessness, amazing courageous and efforts, she did lots of things that even an adult wouldn’t have the courage and guts to do, such